--- layout: "postgresql" page_title: "PostgreSQL: postgresql_database" sidebar_current: "docs-postgresql-resource-postgresql_database" description: |- Creates and manages a database on a PostgreSQL server. --- # postgresql\_database The ``postgresql_database`` resource creates and manages [database objects](https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/managing-databases.html) within a PostgreSQL server instance. ## Usage ``` resource "postgresql_database" "my_db" { name = "my_db" owner = "my_role" template = "template0" collation = "C" connection_limit = -1 allow_connections = true } ``` ## Argument Reference * `name` - (Required) The name of the database. Must be unique on the PostgreSQL server instance where it is configured. * `owner` - (Optional) The role name of the user who will own the database, or `DEFAULT` to use the default (namely, the user executing the command). To create a database owned by another role or to change the owner of an existing database, you must be a direct or indirect member of the specified role, or the username in the provider is a superuser. * `tablespace_name` - (Optional) The name of the tablespace that will be associated with the database, or `DEFAULT` to use the template database's tablespace. This tablespace will be the default tablespace used for objects created in this database. * `connection_limit` - (Optional) How many concurrent connections can be established to this database. `-1` (the default) means no limit. * `allow_connections` - (Optional) If `false` then no one can connect to this database. The default is `true`, allowing connections (except as restricted by other mechanisms, such as `GRANT` or `REVOKE CONNECT`). * `is_template` - (Optional) If `true`, then this database can be cloned by any user with `CREATEDB` privileges; if `false` (the default), then only superusers or the owner of the database can clone it. * `template` - (Optional) The name of the template database from which to create the database, or `DEFAULT` to use the default template (`template0`). NOTE: the default in Terraform is `template0`, not `template1`. Changing this value will force the creation of a new resource as this value can only be changed when a database is created. * `encoding` - (Optional) Character set encoding to use in the database. Specify a string constant (e.g. `UTF8` or `SQL_ASCII`), or an integer encoding number. If unset or set to an empty string the default encoding is set to `UTF8`. If set to `DEFAULT` Terraform will use the same encoding as the template database. Changing this value will force the creation of a new resource as this value can only be changed when a database is created. * `lc_collate` - (Optional) Collation order (`LC_COLLATE`) to use in the database. This affects the sort order applied to strings, e.g. in queries with `ORDER BY`, as well as the order used in indexes on text columns. If unset or set to an empty string the default collation is set to `C`. If set to `DEFAULT` Terraform will use the same collation order as the specified `template` database. Changing this value will force the creation of a new resource as this value can only be changed when a database is created. * `lc_ctype` - (Optional) Character classification (`LC_CTYPE`) to use in the database. This affects the categorization of characters, e.g. lower, upper and digit. If unset or set to an empty string the default character classification is set to `C`. If set to `DEFAULT` Terraform will use the character classification of the specified `template` database. Changing this value will force the creation of a new resource as this value can only be changed when a database is created. ## Import Example `postgresql_database` supports importing resources. Supposing the following Terraform: ``` provider "postgresql" { alias = "admindb" } resource "postgresql_database" "db1" { provider = "postgresql.admindb" name = "testdb1" } ``` It is possible to import a `postgresql_database` resource with the following command: ``` $ terraform import postgresql_database.db1 testdb1 ``` Where `testdb1` is the name of the database to import and `postgresql_database.db1` is the name of the resource whose state will be populated as a result of the command.