--- layout: "vsphere" page_title: "VMware vSphere: vsphere_file" sidebar_current: "docs-vsphere-resource-file" description: |- Provides a VMware vSphere virtual machine file resource. This can be used to upload files (e.g. vmdk disks) from the Terraform host machine to a remote vSphere. --- # vsphere\_file Provides a VMware vSphere virtual machine file resource. This can be used to upload files (e.g. vmdk disks) from the Terraform host machine to a remote vSphere. ## Example Usage ``` resource "vsphere_file" "ubuntu_disk" { datastore = "local" source_file = "/home/ubuntu/my_disks/custom_ubuntu.vmdk" destination_file = "/my_path/disks/custom_ubuntu.vmdk" } ``` ## Argument Reference The following arguments are supported: * `source_file` - (Required) The path to the file on the Terraform host that will be uploaded to vSphere. * `destination_file` - (Required) The path to where the file should be uploaded to on vSphere. * `datacenter` - (Optional) The name of a Datacenter in which the file will be created/uploaded to. * `datastore` - (Required) The name of the Datastore in which to create/upload the file to.