package remote import ( "bytes" "crypto/md5" "crypto/tls" "crypto/x509" "fmt" "io/ioutil" "log" "net/http" "os" "strconv" "strings" "time" "" "" "" "" ) const TFSTATE_NAME = "" // SwiftClient implements the Client interface for an Openstack Swift server. type SwiftClient struct { client *gophercloud.ServiceClient authurl string cacert string cert string domainid string domainname string insecure bool key string password string path string region string tenantid string tenantname string userid string username string token string archive bool archivepath string expireSecs int } func swiftFactory(conf map[string]string) (Client, error) { client := &SwiftClient{} if err := client.validateConfig(conf); err != nil { return nil, err } return client, nil } func (c *SwiftClient) validateConfig(conf map[string]string) (err error) { authUrl, ok := conf["auth_url"] if !ok { authUrl = os.Getenv("OS_AUTH_URL") if authUrl == "" { return fmt.Errorf("missing 'auth_url' configuration or OS_AUTH_URL environment variable") } } c.authurl = authUrl username, ok := conf["user_name"] if !ok { username = os.Getenv("OS_USERNAME") } c.username = username userID, ok := conf["user_id"] if !ok { userID = os.Getenv("OS_USER_ID") } c.userid = userID token, ok := conf["token"] if !ok { token = os.Getenv("OS_AUTH_TOKEN") } c.token = token password, ok := conf["password"] if !ok { password = os.Getenv("OS_PASSWORD") } c.password = password if password == "" && token == "" { return fmt.Errorf("missing either password or token configuration or OS_PASSWORD or OS_AUTH_TOKEN environment variable") } region, ok := conf["region_name"] if !ok { region = os.Getenv("OS_REGION_NAME") } c.region = region tenantID, ok := conf["tenant_id"] if !ok { tenantID = multiEnv([]string{ "OS_TENANT_ID", "OS_PROJECT_ID", }) } c.tenantid = tenantID tenantName, ok := conf["tenant_name"] if !ok { tenantName = multiEnv([]string{ "OS_TENANT_NAME", "OS_PROJECT_NAME", }) } c.tenantname = tenantName domainID, ok := conf["domain_id"] if !ok { domainID = multiEnv([]string{ "OS_USER_DOMAIN_ID", "OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_ID", "OS_DOMAIN_ID", }) } c.domainid = domainID domainName, ok := conf["domain_name"] if !ok { domainName = multiEnv([]string{ "OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME", "OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_NAME", "OS_DOMAIN_NAME", "DEFAULT_DOMAIN", }) } c.domainname = domainName path, ok := conf["path"] if !ok || path == "" { return fmt.Errorf("missing 'path' configuration") } c.path = path if archivepath, ok := conf["archive_path"]; ok { log.Printf("[DEBUG] Archivepath set, enabling object versioning") c.archive = true c.archivepath = archivepath } if expire, ok := conf["expire_after"]; ok { log.Printf("[DEBUG] Requested that remote state expires after %s", expire) if strings.HasSuffix(expire, "d") { log.Printf("[DEBUG] Got a days expire after duration. Converting to hours") days, err := strconv.Atoi(expire[:len(expire)-1]) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Error converting expire_after value %s to int: %s", expire, err) } expire = fmt.Sprintf("%dh", days*24) log.Printf("[DEBUG] Expire after %s hours", expire) } expireDur, err := time.ParseDuration(expire) if err != nil { log.Printf("[DEBUG] Error parsing duration %s: %s", expire, err) return fmt.Errorf("Error parsing expire_after duration '%s': %s", expire, err) } log.Printf("[DEBUG] Seconds duration = %d", int(expireDur.Seconds())) c.expireSecs = int(expireDur.Seconds()) } c.insecure = false raw, ok := conf["insecure"] if !ok { raw = os.Getenv("OS_INSECURE") } if raw != "" { v, err := strconv.ParseBool(raw) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("'insecure' and 'OS_INSECURE' could not be parsed as bool: %s", err) } c.insecure = v } cacertFile, ok := conf["cacert_file"] if !ok { cacertFile = os.Getenv("OS_CACERT") } c.cacert = cacertFile cert, ok := conf["cert"] if !ok { cert = os.Getenv("OS_CERT") } c.cert = cert key, ok := conf["key"] if !ok { key = os.Getenv("OS_KEY") } c.key = key ao := gophercloud.AuthOptions{ IdentityEndpoint: c.authurl, UserID: c.userid, Username: c.username, TenantID: c.tenantid, TenantName: c.tenantname, Password: c.password, TokenID: c.token, DomainID: c.domainid, DomainName: c.domainname, } provider, err := openstack.NewClient(ao.IdentityEndpoint) if err != nil { return err } config := &tls.Config{} if c.cacert != "" { caCert, err := ioutil.ReadFile(c.cacert) if err != nil { return err } caCertPool := x509.NewCertPool() caCertPool.AppendCertsFromPEM(caCert) config.RootCAs = caCertPool } if c.insecure { log.Printf("[DEBUG] Insecure mode set") config.InsecureSkipVerify = true } if c.cert != "" && c.key != "" { cert, err := tls.LoadX509KeyPair(c.cert, c.key) if err != nil { return err } config.Certificates = []tls.Certificate{cert} config.BuildNameToCertificate() } transport := &http.Transport{Proxy: http.ProxyFromEnvironment, TLSClientConfig: config} provider.HTTPClient.Transport = transport err = openstack.Authenticate(provider, ao) if err != nil { return err } c.client, err = openstack.NewObjectStorageV1(provider, gophercloud.EndpointOpts{ Region: c.region, }) return err } func (c *SwiftClient) Get() (*Payload, error) { result := objects.Download(c.client, c.path, TFSTATE_NAME, nil) // Extract any errors from result _, err := result.Extract() // 404 response is to be expected if the object doesn't already exist! if _, ok := err.(gophercloud.ErrDefault404); ok { log.Printf("[DEBUG] Container doesn't exist to download.") return nil, nil } bytes, err := result.ExtractContent() if err != nil { return nil, err } hash := md5.Sum(bytes) payload := &Payload{ Data: bytes, MD5: hash[:md5.Size], } return payload, nil } func (c *SwiftClient) Put(data []byte) error { if err := c.ensureContainerExists(); err != nil { return err } log.Printf("[DEBUG] Creating object %s at path %s", TFSTATE_NAME, c.path) reader := bytes.NewReader(data) createOpts := objects.CreateOpts{ Content: reader, } if c.expireSecs != 0 { log.Printf("[DEBUG] ExpireSecs = %d", c.expireSecs) createOpts.DeleteAfter = c.expireSecs } result := objects.Create(c.client, c.path, TFSTATE_NAME, createOpts) return result.Err } func (c *SwiftClient) Delete() error { result := objects.Delete(c.client, c.path, TFSTATE_NAME, nil) return result.Err } func (c *SwiftClient) ensureContainerExists() error { containerOpts := &containers.CreateOpts{} if c.archive { log.Printf("[DEBUG] Creating container %s", c.archivepath) result := containers.Create(c.client, c.archivepath, nil) if result.Err != nil { log.Printf("[DEBUG] Error creating container %s: %s", c.archivepath, result.Err) return result.Err } log.Printf("[DEBUG] Enabling Versioning on container %s", c.path) containerOpts.VersionsLocation = c.archivepath } log.Printf("[DEBUG] Creating container %s", c.path) result := containers.Create(c.client, c.path, containerOpts) if result.Err != nil { return result.Err } return nil } func multiEnv(ks []string) string { for _, k := range ks { if v := os.Getenv(k); v != "" { return v } } return "" }