package arguments import ( "reflect" "testing" "" "" ) func TestParseOutput_valid(t *testing.T) { testCases := map[string]struct { args []string want *Output }{ "defaults": { nil, &Output{ Name: "", ViewType: ViewHuman, StatePath: "", }, }, "json": { []string{"-json"}, &Output{ Name: "", ViewType: ViewJSON, StatePath: "", }, }, "raw": { []string{"-raw", "foo"}, &Output{ Name: "foo", ViewType: ViewRaw, StatePath: "", }, }, "state": { []string{"-state=foobar.tfstate", "-raw", "foo"}, &Output{ Name: "foo", ViewType: ViewRaw, StatePath: "foobar.tfstate", }, }, } for name, tc := range testCases { t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) { got, diags := ParseOutput(tc.args) if len(diags) > 0 { t.Fatalf("unexpected diags: %v", diags) } if *got != *tc.want { t.Fatalf("unexpected result\n got: %#v\nwant: %#v", got, tc.want) } }) } } func TestParseOutput_invalid(t *testing.T) { testCases := map[string]struct { args []string want *Output wantDiags tfdiags.Diagnostics }{ "unknown flag": { []string{"-boop"}, &Output{ Name: "", ViewType: ViewHuman, StatePath: "", }, tfdiags.Diagnostics{ tfdiags.Sourceless( tfdiags.Error, "Failed to parse command-line flags", "flag provided but not defined: -boop", ), }, }, "json and raw specified": { []string{"-json", "-raw"}, &Output{ Name: "", ViewType: ViewHuman, StatePath: "", }, tfdiags.Diagnostics{ tfdiags.Sourceless( tfdiags.Error, "Invalid output format", "The -raw and -json options are mutually-exclusive.", ), }, }, "raw with no name": { []string{"-raw"}, &Output{ Name: "", ViewType: ViewRaw, StatePath: "", }, tfdiags.Diagnostics{ tfdiags.Sourceless( tfdiags.Error, "Output name required", "You must give the name of a single output value when using the -raw option.", ), }, }, "too many arguments": { []string{"-raw", "-state=foo.tfstate", "bar", "baz"}, &Output{ Name: "bar", ViewType: ViewRaw, StatePath: "foo.tfstate", }, tfdiags.Diagnostics{ tfdiags.Sourceless( tfdiags.Error, "Unexpected argument", "The output command expects exactly one argument with the name of an output variable or no arguments to show all outputs.", ), }, }, } for name, tc := range testCases { t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) { got, gotDiags := ParseOutput(tc.args) if *got != *tc.want { t.Fatalf("unexpected result\n got: %#v\nwant: %#v", got, tc.want) } if !reflect.DeepEqual(gotDiags, tc.wantDiags) { t.Errorf("wrong result\ngot: %s\nwant: %s", spew.Sdump(gotDiags), spew.Sdump(tc.wantDiags)) } }) } }