
238 lines
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package configload
import (
version "github.com/hashicorp/go-version"
// InstallModules analyses the root module in the given directory and installs
// all of its direct and transitive dependencies into the loader's modules
// directory, which must already exist.
// Since InstallModules makes possibly-time-consuming calls to remote services,
// a hook interface is supported to allow the caller to be notified when
// each module is installed and, for remote modules, when downloading begins.
// LoadConfig guarantees that two hook calls will not happen concurrently but
// it does not guarantee any particular ordering of hook calls. This mechanism
// is for UI feedback only and does not give the caller any control over the
// process.
// If modules are already installed in the target directory, they will be
// skipped unless their source address or version have changed or unless
// the upgrade flag is set.
// InstallModules never deletes any directory, except in the case where it
// needs to replace a directory that is already present with a newly-extracted
// package.
// If the returned diagnostics contains errors then the module installation
// may have wholly or partially completed. Modules must be loaded in order
// to find their dependencies, so this function does many of the same checks
// as LoadConfig as a side-effect.
func (l *Loader) InstallModules(rootDir string, upgrade bool, hooks InstallHooks) hcl.Diagnostics {
rootMod, diags := l.parser.LoadConfigDir(rootDir)
if rootMod == nil {
return diags
if hooks == nil {
// Use our no-op implementation as a placeholder
hooks = InstallHooksImpl{}
// Create a manifest record for the root module. This will be used if
// there are any relative-pathed modules in the root.
l.modules.manifest[""] = moduleRecord{
Key: "",
Dir: rootDir,
_, cDiags := configs.BuildConfig(rootMod, configs.ModuleWalkerFunc(
func(req *configs.ModuleRequest) (*configs.Module, *version.Version, hcl.Diagnostics) {
key := manifestKey(req.Path)
instPath := l.packageInstallPath(req.Path)
log.Printf("[DEBUG] Module installer: begin %s", key)
// First we'll check if we need to upgrade/replace an existing
// installed module, and delete it out of the way if so.
replace := upgrade
if !replace {
record, recorded := l.modules.manifest[key]
switch {
case !recorded:
log.Printf("[TRACE] %s is not yet installed", key)
replace = true
case record.SourceAddr != req.SourceAddr:
log.Printf("[TRACE] %s source address has changed from %q to %q", key, record.SourceAddr, req.SourceAddr)
replace = true
case record.Version != nil && !req.VersionConstraint.Required.Check(record.Version):
log.Printf("[TRACE] %s version %s no longer compatible with constraints %s", key, record.Version, req.VersionConstraint.Required)
replace = true
// If we _are_ planning to replace this module, then we'll remove
// it now so our installation code below won't conflict with any
// existing remnants.
if replace {
if _, recorded := l.modules.manifest[key]; recorded {
log.Printf("[TRACE] discarding previous record of %s prior to reinstall", key)
delete(l.modules.manifest, key)
// Deleting a module invalidates all of its descendent modules too.
keyPrefix := key + "."
for subKey := range l.modules.manifest {
if strings.HasPrefix(subKey, keyPrefix) {
if _, recorded := l.modules.manifest[subKey]; recorded {
log.Printf("[TRACE] also discarding downstream %s", subKey)
delete(l.modules.manifest, subKey)
record, recorded := l.modules.manifest[key]
if !recorded {
// Clean up any stale cache directory that might be present.
// If this is a local (relative) source then the dir will
// not exist, but we'll ignore that.
log.Printf("[TRACE] cleaning directory %s prior to install of %s", instPath, key)
err := l.modules.FS.RemoveAll(instPath)
if err != nil && !os.IsNotExist(err) {
log.Printf("[TRACE] failed to remove %s: %s", key, err)
diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{
Severity: hcl.DiagError,
Summary: "Failed to remove local module cache",
Detail: fmt.Sprintf(
"Terraform tried to remove %s in order to reinstall this module, but encountered an error: %s",
instPath, err,
Subject: &req.CallRange,
return nil, nil, diags
} else {
// If this module is already recorded and its root directory
// exists then we will just load what's already there and
// keep our existing record.
info, err := l.modules.FS.Stat(record.Dir)
if err == nil && info.IsDir() {
mod, mDiags := l.parser.LoadConfigDir(record.Dir)
diags = append(diags, mDiags...)
log.Printf("[TRACE] Module installer: %s %s already installed in %s", key, record.Version, record.Dir)
return mod, record.Version, diags
// If we get down here then it's finally time to actually install
// the module. There are some variants to this process depending
// on what type of module source address we have.
switch {
case isLocalSourceAddr(req.SourceAddr):
log.Printf("[TRACE] %s has local path %q", key, req.SourceAddr)
mod, mDiags := l.installLocalModule(req, key, hooks)
diags = append(diags, mDiags...)
return mod, nil, diags
case isRegistrySourceAddr(req.SourceAddr):
addr, err := regsrc.ParseModuleSource(req.SourceAddr)
if err != nil {
// Should never happen because isRegistrySourceAddr already validated
log.Printf("[TRACE] %s is a registry module at %s", key, addr)
// TODO: Implement
panic("registry source installation not yet implemented")
log.Printf("[TRACE] %s address %q will be interpreted with go-getter", key, req.SourceAddr)
// TODO: Implement
panic("fallback source installation not yet implemented")
diags = append(diags, cDiags...)
err := l.modules.writeModuleManifestSnapshot()
if err != nil {
diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{
Severity: hcl.DiagError,
Summary: "Failed to update module manifest",
Detail: fmt.Sprintf("Unable to write the module manifest file: %s", err),
return diags
func (l *Loader) installLocalModule(req *configs.ModuleRequest, key string, hooks InstallHooks) (*configs.Module, hcl.Diagnostics) {
var diags hcl.Diagnostics
parentKey := manifestKey(req.Parent.Path)
parentRecord, recorded := l.modules.manifest[parentKey]
if !recorded {
// This is indicative of a bug rather than a user-actionable error
panic(fmt.Errorf("missing manifest record for parent module %s", parentKey))
if len(req.VersionConstraint.Required) != 0 {
diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{
Severity: hcl.DiagError,
Summary: "Invalid version constraint",
Detail: "A version constraint cannot be applied to a module at a relative local path.",
Subject: &req.VersionConstraint.DeclRange,
// For local sources we don't actually need to modify the
// filesystem at all because the parent already wrote
// the files we need, and so we just load up what's already here.
newDir := filepath.Join(parentRecord.Dir, req.SourceAddr)
log.Printf("[TRACE] %s uses directory from parent: %s", key, newDir)
mod, mDiags := l.parser.LoadConfigDir(newDir)
if mod == nil {
// nil indicates missing or unreadable directory, so we'll
// discard the returned diags and return a more specific
// error message here.
diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{
Severity: hcl.DiagError,
Summary: "Unreadable module directory",
Detail: fmt.Sprintf("The directory %s could not be read.", newDir),
Subject: &req.SourceAddrRange,
} else {
diags = append(diags, mDiags...)
// Note the local location in our manifest.
l.modules.manifest[key] = moduleRecord{
Key: key,
Dir: newDir,
SourceAddr: req.SourceAddr,
log.Printf("[TRACE] Module installer: %s installed at %s", key, newDir)
hooks.Install(key, nil, newDir)
return mod, diags
func (l *Loader) packageInstallPath(modulePath []string) string {
return filepath.Join(l.modules.Dir, strings.Join(modulePath, "."))