
157 lines
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package circonus
import (
const (
// circonus_check.httptrap.* resource attribute names
checkHTTPTrapAsyncMetricsAttr = "async_metrics"
checkHTTPTrapSecretAttr = "secret"
var checkHTTPTrapDescriptions = attrDescrs{
checkHTTPTrapAsyncMetricsAttr: "Specify whether httptrap metrics are logged immediately or held until the status message is emitted",
checkHTTPTrapSecretAttr: "",
var schemaCheckHTTPTrap = &schema.Schema{
Type: schema.TypeSet,
Optional: true,
MaxItems: 1,
MinItems: 1,
Set: hashCheckHTTPTrap,
Elem: &schema.Resource{
Schema: convertToHelperSchema(checkHTTPTrapDescriptions, map[schemaAttr]*schema.Schema{
checkHTTPTrapAsyncMetricsAttr: &schema.Schema{
Type: schema.TypeBool,
Optional: true,
Default: defaultCheckHTTPTrapAsync,
checkHTTPTrapSecretAttr: &schema.Schema{
Type: schema.TypeString,
Optional: true,
Sensitive: true,
ValidateFunc: validateRegexp(checkHTTPTrapSecretAttr, `^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$`),
// checkAPIToStateHTTPTrap reads the Config data out of circonusCheck.CheckBundle into
// the statefile.
func checkAPIToStateHTTPTrap(c *circonusCheck, d *schema.ResourceData) error {
httpTrapConfig := make(map[string]interface{}, len(c.Config))
// swamp is a sanity check: it must be empty by the time this method returns
swamp := make(map[config.Key]string, len(c.Config))
for k, v := range c.Config {
swamp[k] = v
saveBoolConfigToState := func(apiKey config.Key, attrName schemaAttr) {
if s, ok := c.Config[apiKey]; ok {
switch s {
case "true", "on":
httpTrapConfig[string(attrName)] = true
case "false", "off":
httpTrapConfig[string(attrName)] = false
log.Printf("PROVIDER BUG: unsupported value %q returned in key %q", s, apiKey)
delete(swamp, apiKey)
saveStringConfigToState := func(apiKey config.Key, attrName schemaAttr) {
if s, ok := c.Config[apiKey]; ok {
httpTrapConfig[string(attrName)] = s
delete(swamp, apiKey)
saveBoolConfigToState(config.AsyncMetrics, checkHTTPTrapAsyncMetricsAttr)
saveStringConfigToState(config.Secret, checkHTTPTrapSecretAttr)
whitelistedConfigKeys := map[config.Key]struct{}{
config.ReverseSecretKey: struct{}{},
config.SubmissionURL: struct{}{},
for k := range swamp {
if _, ok := whitelistedConfigKeys[k]; ok {
delete(c.Config, k)
if _, ok := whitelistedConfigKeys[k]; !ok {
log.Printf("[ERROR]: PROVIDER BUG: API Config not empty: %#v", swamp)
if err := d.Set(checkHTTPTrapAttr, schema.NewSet(hashCheckHTTPTrap, []interface{}{httpTrapConfig})); err != nil {
return errwrap.Wrapf(fmt.Sprintf("Unable to store check %q attribute: {{err}}", checkHTTPTrapAttr), err)
return nil
// hashCheckHTTPTrap creates a stable hash of the normalized values
func hashCheckHTTPTrap(v interface{}) int {
m := v.(map[string]interface{})
b := &bytes.Buffer{}
writeBool := func(attrName schemaAttr) {
if v, ok := m[string(attrName)]; ok {
fmt.Fprintf(b, "%t", v.(bool))
writeString := func(attrName schemaAttr) {
if v, ok := m[string(attrName)]; ok && v.(string) != "" {
fmt.Fprint(b, strings.TrimSpace(v.(string)))
// Order writes to the buffer using lexically sorted list for easy visual
// reconciliation with other lists.
s := b.String()
return hashcode.String(s)
func checkConfigToAPIHTTPTrap(c *circonusCheck, l interfaceList) error {
c.Type = string(apiCheckTypeHTTPTrapAttr)
// Iterate over all `httptrap` attributes, even though we have a max of 1 in the
// schema.
for _, mapRaw := range l {
httpTrapConfig := newInterfaceMap(mapRaw)
if v, found := httpTrapConfig[checkHTTPTrapAsyncMetricsAttr]; found {
b := v.(bool)
if b {
c.Config[config.AsyncMetrics] = fmt.Sprintf("%t", b)
if v, found := httpTrapConfig[checkHTTPTrapSecretAttr]; found {
c.Config[config.Secret] = v.(string)
return nil