
523 lines
18 KiB

package local
import (
func (b *Local) opPlan(
stopCtx context.Context,
cancelCtx context.Context,
op *backend.Operation,
runningOp *backend.RunningOperation) {
log.Printf("[INFO] backend/local: starting Plan operation")
var diags tfdiags.Diagnostics
if op.PlanFile != nil {
diags = diags.Append(tfdiags.Sourceless(
"Can't re-plan a saved plan",
"The plan command was given a saved plan file as its input. This command generates "+
"a new plan, and so it requires a configuration directory as its argument.",
b.ReportResult(runningOp, diags)
// Local planning requires a config, unless we're planning to destroy.
if !op.Destroy && !op.HasConfig() {
diags = diags.Append(tfdiags.Sourceless(
"No configuration files",
"Plan requires configuration to be present. Planning without a configuration would "+
"mark everything for destruction, which is normally not what is desired. If you "+
"would like to destroy everything, run plan with the -destroy option. Otherwise, "+
"create a Terraform configuration file (.tf file) and try again.",
b.ReportResult(runningOp, diags)
// Setup our count hook that keeps track of resource changes
countHook := new(CountHook)
if b.ContextOpts == nil {
b.ContextOpts = new(terraform.ContextOpts)
old := b.ContextOpts.Hooks
defer func() { b.ContextOpts.Hooks = old }()
b.ContextOpts.Hooks = append(b.ContextOpts.Hooks, countHook)
// Get our context
tfCtx, configSnap, opState, ctxDiags := b.context(op)
diags = diags.Append(ctxDiags)
if ctxDiags.HasErrors() {
b.ReportResult(runningOp, diags)
// Before we do anything else we'll take a snapshot of the prior state
// so we can use it for some fixups to our detection of whether the plan
// includes externally-visible side-effects that need to be applied.
// (We should be able to remove this once we complete the planned work
// described in the comment for func planHasSideEffects below.)
// We go directly to the state manager here because the state inside
// tfCtx was already implicitly changed by a validation walk inside
// the b.context method.
priorState := opState.State().DeepCopy()
runningOp.State = tfCtx.State()
// If we're refreshing before plan, perform that
baseState := runningOp.State
if op.PlanRefresh {
log.Printf("[INFO] backend/local: plan calling Refresh")
if b.CLI != nil {
b.CLI.Output(b.Colorize().Color(strings.TrimSpace(planRefreshing) + "\n"))
refreshedState, refreshDiags := tfCtx.Refresh()
diags = diags.Append(refreshDiags)
if diags.HasErrors() {
b.ReportResult(runningOp, diags)
baseState = refreshedState // plan will be relative to our refreshed state
if b.CLI != nil {
// Perform the plan in a goroutine so we can be interrupted
var plan *plans.Plan
var planDiags tfdiags.Diagnostics
doneCh := make(chan struct{})
go func() {
defer close(doneCh)
log.Printf("[INFO] backend/local: plan calling Plan")
plan, planDiags = tfCtx.Plan()
if b.opWait(doneCh, stopCtx, cancelCtx, tfCtx, opState) {
// If we get in here then the operation was cancelled, which is always
// considered to be a failure.
log.Printf("[INFO] backend/local: plan operation was force-cancelled by interrupt")
runningOp.Result = backend.OperationFailure
log.Printf("[INFO] backend/local: plan operation completed")
diags = diags.Append(planDiags)
if planDiags.HasErrors() {
b.ReportResult(runningOp, diags)
// Record whether this plan includes any side-effects that could be applied.
runningOp.PlanEmpty = !planHasSideEffects(priorState, plan.Changes)
// Save the plan to disk
if path := op.PlanOutPath; path != "" {
if op.PlanOutBackend == nil {
// This is always a bug in the operation caller; it's not valid
// to set PlanOutPath without also setting PlanOutBackend.
diags = diags.Append(fmt.Errorf(
"PlanOutPath set without also setting PlanOutBackend (this is a bug in Terraform)"),
b.ReportResult(runningOp, diags)
plan.Backend = *op.PlanOutBackend
// We may have updated the state in the refresh step above, but we
// will freeze that updated state in the plan file for now and
// only write it if this plan is subsequently applied.
plannedStateFile := statemgr.PlannedStateUpdate(opState, baseState)
log.Printf("[INFO] backend/local: writing plan output to: %s", path)
err := planfile.Create(path, configSnap, plannedStateFile, plan)
if err != nil {
diags = diags.Append(tfdiags.Sourceless(
"Failed to write plan file",
fmt.Sprintf("The plan file could not be written: %s.", err),
b.ReportResult(runningOp, diags)
// Perform some output tasks if we have a CLI to output to.
if b.CLI != nil {
schemas := tfCtx.Schemas()
if runningOp.PlanEmpty {
b.CLI.Output("\n" + b.Colorize().Color(strings.TrimSpace(planNoChanges)))
// Even if there are no changes, there still could be some warnings
b.renderPlan(plan, baseState, priorState, schemas)
// If we've accumulated any warnings along the way then we'll show them
// here just before we show the summary and next steps. If we encountered
// errors then we would've returned early at some other point above.
// Give the user some next-steps, unless we're running in an automation
// tool which is presumed to provide its own UI for further actions.
if !b.RunningInAutomation {
if path := op.PlanOutPath; path == "" {
"\n" + strings.TrimSpace(planHeaderNoOutput) + "\n",
} else {
path, path,
func (b *Local) renderPlan(plan *plans.Plan, baseState *states.State, priorState *states.State, schemas *terraform.Schemas) {
RenderPlan(plan, baseState, priorState, schemas, b.CLI, b.Colorize())
// RenderPlan renders the given plan to the given UI.
// This is exported only so that the "terraform show" command can re-use it.
// Ideally it would be somewhere outside of this backend code so that both
// can call into it, but we're leaving it here for now in order to avoid
// disruptive refactoring.
// If you find yourself wanting to call this function from a third callsite,
// please consider whether it's time to do the more disruptive refactoring
// so that something other than the local backend package is offering this
// functionality.
// The difference between baseState and priorState is that baseState is the
// result of implicitly running refresh (unless that was disabled) while
// priorState is a snapshot of the state as it was before we took any actions
// at all. priorState can optionally be nil if the caller has only a saved
// plan and not the prior state it was built from. In that case, changes to
// output values will not currently be rendered because their prior values
// are currently stored only in the prior state. (see the docstring for
// func planHasSideEffects for why this is and when that might change)
func RenderPlan(plan *plans.Plan, baseState *states.State, priorState *states.State, schemas *terraform.Schemas, ui cli.Ui, colorize *colorstring.Colorize) {
counts := map[plans.Action]int{}
var rChanges []*plans.ResourceInstanceChangeSrc
for _, change := range plan.Changes.Resources {
if change.Action == plans.Delete && change.Addr.Resource.Resource.Mode == addrs.DataResourceMode {
// Avoid rendering data sources on deletion
rChanges = append(rChanges, change)
headerBuf := &bytes.Buffer{}
fmt.Fprintf(headerBuf, "\n%s\n", strings.TrimSpace(planHeaderIntro))
if counts[plans.Create] > 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(headerBuf, "%s create\n", format.DiffActionSymbol(plans.Create))
if counts[plans.Update] > 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(headerBuf, "%s update in-place\n", format.DiffActionSymbol(plans.Update))
if counts[plans.Delete] > 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(headerBuf, "%s destroy\n", format.DiffActionSymbol(plans.Delete))
if counts[plans.DeleteThenCreate] > 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(headerBuf, "%s destroy and then create replacement\n", format.DiffActionSymbol(plans.DeleteThenCreate))
if counts[plans.CreateThenDelete] > 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(headerBuf, "%s create replacement and then destroy\n", format.DiffActionSymbol(plans.CreateThenDelete))
if counts[plans.Read] > 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(headerBuf, "%s read (data resources)\n", format.DiffActionSymbol(plans.Read))
ui.Output("Terraform will perform the following actions:\n")
// Note: we're modifying the backing slice of this plan object in-place
// here. The ordering of resource changes in a plan is not significant,
// but we can only do this safely here because we can assume that nobody
// is concurrently modifying our changes while we're trying to print it.
sort.Slice(rChanges, func(i, j int) bool {
iA := rChanges[i].Addr
jA := rChanges[j].Addr
if iA.String() == jA.String() {
return rChanges[i].DeposedKey < rChanges[j].DeposedKey
return iA.Less(jA)
for _, rcs := range rChanges {
if rcs.Action == plans.NoOp {
providerSchema := schemas.ProviderSchema(rcs.ProviderAddr.Provider)
if providerSchema == nil {
// Should never happen
ui.Output(fmt.Sprintf("(schema missing for %s)\n", rcs.ProviderAddr))
rSchema, _ := providerSchema.SchemaForResourceAddr(rcs.Addr.Resource.Resource)
if rSchema == nil {
// Should never happen
ui.Output(fmt.Sprintf("(schema missing for %s)\n", rcs.Addr))
// check if the change is due to a tainted resource
tainted := false
if !baseState.Empty() {
if is := baseState.ResourceInstance(rcs.Addr); is != nil {
if obj := is.GetGeneration(rcs.DeposedKey.Generation()); obj != nil {
tainted = obj.Status == states.ObjectTainted
// stats is similar to counts above, but:
// - it considers only resource changes
// - it simplifies "replace" into both a create and a delete
stats := map[plans.Action]int{}
for _, change := range rChanges {
switch change.Action {
case plans.CreateThenDelete, plans.DeleteThenCreate:
"[reset][bold]Plan:[reset] "+
"%d to add, %d to change, %d to destroy.",
stats[plans.Create], stats[plans.Update], stats[plans.Delete],
// If there is at least one planned change to the root module outputs
// then we'll render a summary of those too. This is easier said than done
// because currently output changes are not accurately recorded in
// plan.Changes.Outputs (see the func planHasSideEffects docstring for why)
// and so we must use priorState to produce an actually-accurate changeset
// to display.
// Some callers (i.e. "terraform show") only have the plan and therefore
// can't provide the prior state. In that case we'll skip showing the
// outputs for now, until we can make plan.Changes.Outputs itself be
// accurate and self-contained.
if priorState != nil {
var synthOutputChanges []*plans.OutputChangeSrc
outputChangeCount := 0
for _, addr := range allRootModuleOutputs(priorState, plan.Changes) {
before := cty.NullVal(cty.DynamicPseudoType)
after := cty.NullVal(cty.DynamicPseudoType)
sensitive := false
if changeSrc := plan.Changes.OutputValue(addr); changeSrc != nil {
sensitive = sensitive || changeSrc.Sensitive
change, err := changeSrc.Decode()
if err != nil {
// It would be very strange to get here because changeSrc was
// presumably just created by Terraform Core and so should never
// be invalid.
panic(fmt.Sprintf("failed to decode change for %s: %s", addr, err))
after = change.After
if priorOutputState := priorState.OutputValue(addr); priorOutputState != nil {
sensitive = sensitive || priorOutputState.Sensitive
before = priorOutputState.Value
// We'll now construct ourselves a new, accurate change.
change := &plans.OutputChange{
Addr: addr,
Sensitive: sensitive,
Change: plans.Change{
Action: objchange.ActionForChange(before, after),
Before: before,
After: after,
if change.Action == plans.NoOp {
continue // ignore non-changes
newChangeSrc, err := change.Encode()
if err != nil {
// Again, it would be very strange to see an error here because
// we've literally just created this value in memory above.
panic(fmt.Sprintf("failed to encode change for %s: %s", addr, err))
synthOutputChanges = append(synthOutputChanges, newChangeSrc)
if outputChangeCount > 0 {
ui.Output(colorize.Color("[reset]\n[bold]Changes to Outputs:[reset]" + format.OutputChanges(synthOutputChanges, colorize)))
// planHasSideEffects determines whether the given planned changeset has
// externally-visible side-effects that warrant giving the user an opportunity
// to apply the plan. If planHasSideEffects returns false, the caller should
// return a "No changes" message and not offer to apply the plan.
// This is currently implemented here, rather than in the "terraform" package,
// because with the current separation of the refresh vs. plan walks there is
// never any single point in the "terraform" package where both the prior and
// planned new values for outputs are available at once. We have this out here
// as a temporary workaround for that design problem, with the intent of moving
// this down into the "terraform" package once we've completed some work to
// combine the refresh and plan walks together into a single walk and thus
// that walk will be able to see both the prior and new values for outputs.
func planHasSideEffects(priorState *states.State, changes *plans.Changes) bool {
if !changes.Empty() {
// At the time of writing, changes.Empty considers only resource
// changes because the planned changes for outputs are inaccurate.
// If we have at least one resource change then we know we have
// side-effects though, regardless of outputs.
return true
// If we get here then there are definitely no resource changes in the plan
// but we may have some changes to outputs that "changes" hasn't properly
// captured, because it treats all outputs as being either created or
// deleted regardless of their prior values. To work around that for now,
// we'll use priorState to see if those planned changes really are changes.
for _, addr := range allRootModuleOutputs(priorState, changes) {
before := cty.NullVal(cty.DynamicPseudoType)
after := cty.NullVal(cty.DynamicPseudoType)
if changeSrc := changes.OutputValue(addr); changeSrc != nil {
change, err := changeSrc.Decode()
if err != nil {
// It would be very strange to get here because changeSrc was
// presumably just created by Terraform Core and so should never
// be invalid. In this unlikely event, we'll just conservatively
// assume there is a change.
return true
after = change.After
if priorState != nil {
if priorOutputState := priorState.OutputValue(addr); priorOutputState != nil {
before = priorOutputState.Value
if objchange.ActionForChange(before, after) != plans.NoOp {
return true
// If we fall out here then we didn't find any effective changes in the
// outputs, and we already showed that there were no resource changes, so
// this plan has no side-effects.
return false
// allRootModuleOutputs is a helper function to produce the union of all
// root module output values across both the given prior state and the given
// changeset. This is to compensate for the fact that the outputs portion of
// a plans.Changes is currently incomplete and inaccurate due to limitations of
// Terraform Core's design; we need to use information from the prior state
// to compensate for those limitations when making decisions based on the
// effective output changes.
func allRootModuleOutputs(priorState *states.State, changes *plans.Changes) []addrs.AbsOutputValue {
m := make(map[string]addrs.AbsOutputValue)
if priorState != nil {
for _, os := range priorState.RootModule().OutputValues {
m[os.Addr.String()] = os.Addr
if changes != nil {
for _, oc := range changes.Outputs {
if !oc.Addr.Module.IsRoot() {
m[oc.Addr.String()] = oc.Addr
if len(m) == 0 {
return nil
ret := make([]addrs.AbsOutputValue, 0, len(m))
for _, addr := range m {
ret = append(ret, addr)
sort.Slice(ret, func(i, j int) bool {
return ret[i].OutputValue.Name < ret[j].OutputValue.Name
return ret
const planHeaderIntro = `
An execution plan has been generated and is shown below.
Resource actions are indicated with the following symbols:
const planHeaderNoOutput = `
Note: You didn't specify an "-out" parameter to save this plan, so Terraform
can't guarantee that exactly these actions will be performed if
"terraform apply" is subsequently run.
const planHeaderYesOutput = `
This plan was saved to: %s
To perform exactly these actions, run the following command to apply:
terraform apply %q
const planNoChanges = `
[reset][bold][green]No changes. Infrastructure is up-to-date.[reset][green]
This means that Terraform did not detect any differences between your
configuration and real physical resources that exist. As a result, no
actions need to be performed.
const planRefreshing = `
[reset][bold]Refreshing Terraform state in-memory prior to plan...[reset]
The refreshed state will be used to calculate this plan, but will not be
persisted to local or remote state storage.