
254 lines
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package jsonplan
import (
ctyjson "github.com/zclconf/go-cty/cty/json"
// stateValues is the common representation of resolved values for both the
// prior state (which is always complete) and the planned new state.
type stateValues struct {
Outputs map[string]output `json:"outputs,omitempty"`
RootModule module `json:"root_module,omitempty"`
// attributeValues is the JSON representation of the attribute values of the
// resource, whose structure depends on the resource type schema.
type attributeValues map[string]interface{}
func marshalAttributeValues(value cty.Value, schema *configschema.Block) attributeValues {
ret := make(attributeValues)
it := value.ElementIterator()
for it.Next() {
k, v := it.Element()
ret[k.AsString()] = v
return ret
// marshalAttributeValuesBool returns an attributeValues structure with "true" and
// "false" in place of the values indicating whether the value is known or not.
func marshalAttributeValuesBool(value cty.Value, schema *configschema.Block) attributeValues {
ret := make(attributeValues)
it := value.ElementIterator()
for it.Next() {
k, v := it.Element()
if v.IsWhollyKnown() {
ret[k.AsString()] = "true"
ret[k.AsString()] = "false"
return ret
// marshalPlannedOutputs takes a list of changes and returns two output maps,
// the former with output values and the latter with true/false in place of
// values indicating whether the values are known at plan time.
func marshalPlannedOutputs(changes *plans.Changes) (map[string]output, map[string]output, error) {
if changes.Outputs == nil {
// No changes - we're done here!
return nil, nil, nil
ret := make(map[string]output)
uRet := make(map[string]output)
for _, oc := range changes.Outputs {
if oc.ChangeSrc.Action == plans.Delete {
var after []byte
changeV, err := oc.Decode()
if err != nil {
return ret, uRet, err
if changeV.After != cty.NilVal {
if changeV.After.IsWhollyKnown() {
after, err = ctyjson.Marshal(changeV.After, changeV.After.Type())
if err != nil {
return ret, uRet, err
uRet[oc.Addr.OutputValue.Name] = output{
Value: json.RawMessage("true"),
Sensitive: oc.Sensitive,
} else {
uRet[oc.Addr.OutputValue.Name] = output{
Value: json.RawMessage("false"),
Sensitive: oc.Sensitive,
ret[oc.Addr.OutputValue.Name] = output{
Value: json.RawMessage(after),
Sensitive: oc.Sensitive,
return ret, uRet, nil
// marshalPlannedValues returns two modules:
// The former has attribute values populated and the latter has true/false in
// place of values indicating whether the values are known at plan time.
func marshalPlannedValues(changes *plans.Changes, schemas *terraform.Schemas) (module, module, error) {
var ret, uRet module
if changes.Empty() {
return ret, uRet, nil
// build two maps:
// module name -> [resource addresses]
// module -> [children modules]
moduleResourceMap := make(map[string][]addrs.AbsResourceInstance)
moduleMap := make(map[string][]addrs.ModuleInstance)
for _, resource := range changes.Resources {
// if the resource is being deleted, skip over it.
if resource.Action != plans.Delete {
containingModule := resource.Addr.Module.String()
moduleResourceMap[containingModule] = append(moduleResourceMap[containingModule], resource.Addr)
// root has no parents.
if containingModule != "" {
parent := resource.Addr.Module.Parent().String()
moduleMap[parent] = append(moduleMap[parent], resource.Addr.Module)
// start with the root module
resources, uResources, err := marshalPlanResources(changes, moduleResourceMap[""], schemas)
if err != nil {
return ret, uRet, err
ret.Resources = resources
uRet.Resources = uResources
childModules, err := marshalPlanModules(changes, schemas, moduleMap[""], moduleMap, moduleResourceMap)
if err != nil {
return ret, uRet, err
ret.ChildModules = childModules
return ret, uRet, nil
// marshalPlannedValues returns two resource slices:
// The former has attribute values populated and the latter has true/false in
// place of values indicating whether the values are known at plan time.
func marshalPlanResources(changes *plans.Changes, ris []addrs.AbsResourceInstance, schemas *terraform.Schemas) ([]resource, []resource, error) {
var ret, uRet []resource
for _, ri := range ris {
r := changes.ResourceInstance(ri)
if r.Action == plans.Delete || r.Action == plans.NoOp {
resource := resource{
Address: r.Addr.String(),
Type: r.Addr.Resource.Resource.Type,
Name: r.Addr.Resource.Resource.Name,
ProviderName: r.ProviderAddr.ProviderConfig.StringCompact(),
Index: r.Addr.Resource.Key,
switch r.Addr.Resource.Resource.Mode {
case addrs.ManagedResourceMode:
resource.Mode = "managed"
case addrs.DataResourceMode:
resource.Mode = "data"
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("resource %s has an unsupported mode %s",
schema, schemaVer := schemas.ResourceTypeConfig(
if schema == nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("no schema found for %s", r.Addr.String())
resource.SchemaVersion = schemaVer
changeV, err := r.Decode(schema.ImpliedType())
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
var unknownAttributeValues attributeValues
if changeV.After != cty.NilVal {
if changeV.After.IsWhollyKnown() {
resource.AttributeValues = marshalAttributeValues(changeV.After, schema)
unknownAttributeValues = marshalAttributeValuesBool(changeV.After, schema)
uResource := resource
uResource.AttributeValues = unknownAttributeValues
ret = append(ret, resource)
uRet = append(uRet, uResource)
return ret, uRet, nil
// marshalPlanModules iterates over a list of modules to recursively describe
// the full module tree.
func marshalPlanModules(
changes *plans.Changes,
schemas *terraform.Schemas,
childModules []addrs.ModuleInstance,
moduleMap map[string][]addrs.ModuleInstance,
moduleResourceMap map[string][]addrs.AbsResourceInstance,
) ([]module, error) {
var ret []module
for _, child := range childModules {
moduleResources := moduleResourceMap[child.String()]
// cm for child module, naming things is hard.
var cm module
// don't populate the address for the root module
if child.String() != "" {
cm.Address = child.String()
rs, _, err := marshalPlanResources(changes, moduleResources, schemas)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
cm.Resources = rs
if len(moduleMap[child.String()]) > 0 {
moreChildModules, err := marshalPlanModules(changes, schemas, moduleMap[child.String()], moduleMap, moduleResourceMap)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
cm.ChildModules = moreChildModules
ret = append(ret, cm)
return ret, nil