
307 lines
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package cloudapi
import (
// Machine represent a provisioned virtual machines
type Machine struct {
Id string // Unique identifier for the image
Name string // Machine friendly name
Type string // Machine type, one of 'smartmachine' or 'virtualmachine'
State string // Current state of the machine
Dataset string // The dataset URN the machine was provisioned with. For new images/datasets this value will be the dataset id, i.e, same value than the image attribute
Memory int // The amount of memory the machine has (in Mb)
Disk int // The amount of disk the machine has (in Gb)
IPs []string // The IP addresses the machine has
Metadata map[string]string // Map of the machine metadata, e.g. authorized-keys
Tags map[string]string // Map of the machine tags
Created string // When the machine was created
Updated string // When the machine was updated
Package string // The name of the package used to create the machine
Image string // The image id the machine was provisioned with
PrimaryIP string // The primary (public) IP address for the machine
Networks []string // The network IDs for the machine
FirewallEnabled bool `json:"firewall_enabled"` // whether or not the firewall is enabled
// Equals compares two machines. Ignores state and timestamps.
func (m Machine) Equals(other Machine) bool {
if m.Id == other.Id && m.Name == other.Name && m.Type == other.Type && m.Dataset == other.Dataset &&
m.Memory == other.Memory && m.Disk == other.Disk && m.Package == other.Package && m.Image == other.Image &&
m.compareIPs(other) && m.compareMetadata(other) {
return true
return false
// Helper method to compare two machines IPs
func (m Machine) compareIPs(other Machine) bool {
if len(m.IPs) != len(other.IPs) {
return false
for i, v := range m.IPs {
if v != other.IPs[i] {
return false
return true
// Helper method to compare two machines metadata
func (m Machine) compareMetadata(other Machine) bool {
if len(m.Metadata) != len(other.Metadata) {
return false
for k, v := range m.Metadata {
if v != other.Metadata[k] {
return false
return true
// CreateMachineOpts represent the option that can be specified
// when creating a new machine.
type CreateMachineOpts struct {
Name string `json:"name"` // Machine friendly name, default is a randomly generated name
Package string `json:"package"` // Name of the package to use on provisioning
Image string `json:"image"` // The image UUID
Networks []string `json:"networks"` // Desired networks IDs
Metadata map[string]string `json:"-"` // An arbitrary set of metadata key/value pairs can be set at provision time
Tags map[string]string `json:"-"` // An arbitrary set of tags can be set at provision time
FirewallEnabled bool `json:"firewall_enabled"` // Completely enable or disable firewall for this machine (new in API version 7.0)
// AuditAction represents an action/event accomplished by a machine.
type AuditAction struct {
Action string // Action name
Parameters map[string]interface{} // Original set of parameters sent when the action was requested
Time string // When the action finished
Success string // Either 'yes' or 'no', depending on the action successfulness
Caller Caller // Account requesting the action
// Caller represents an account requesting an action.
type Caller struct {
Type string // Authentication type for the action request. One of 'basic', 'operator', 'signature' or 'token'
User string // When the authentication type is 'basic', this member will be present and include user login
IP string // The IP addresses this from which the action was requested. Not present if type is 'operator'
KeyId string // When authentication type is either 'signature' or 'token', SSH key identifier
// appendJSON marshals the given attribute value and appends it as an encoded value to the given json data.
// The newly encode (attr, value) is inserted just before the closing "}" in the json data.
func appendJSON(data []byte, attr string, value interface{}) ([]byte, error) {
newData, err := json.Marshal(&value)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
strData := string(data)
result := fmt.Sprintf(`%s, "%s":%s}`, strData[:len(strData)-1], attr, string(newData))
return []byte(result), nil
type jsonOpts CreateMachineOpts
// MarshalJSON turns the given CreateMachineOpts into JSON
func (opts CreateMachineOpts) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
jo := jsonOpts(opts)
data, err := json.Marshal(&jo)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for k, v := range opts.Tags {
if !strings.HasPrefix(k, "tag.") {
k = "tag." + k
data, err = appendJSON(data, k, v)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for k, v := range opts.Metadata {
if !strings.HasPrefix(k, "metadata.") {
k = "metadata." + k
data, err = appendJSON(data, k, v)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return data, nil
// ListMachines lists all machines on record for an account.
// You can paginate this API by passing in offset, and limit
// See API docs: http://apidocs.joyent.com/cloudapi/#ListMachines
func (c *Client) ListMachines(filter *Filter) ([]Machine, error) {
var resp []Machine
req := request{
method: client.GET,
url: apiMachines,
filter: filter,
resp: &resp,
if _, err := c.sendRequest(req); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Newf(err, "failed to get list of machines")
return resp, nil
// CountMachines returns the number of machines on record for an account.
// See API docs: http://apidocs.joyent.com/cloudapi/#ListMachines
func (c *Client) CountMachines() (int, error) {
var resp int
req := request{
method: client.HEAD,
url: apiMachines,
resp: &resp,
if _, err := c.sendRequest(req); err != nil {
return -1, errors.Newf(err, "failed to get count of machines")
return resp, nil
// GetMachine returns the machine specified by machineId.
// See API docs: http://apidocs.joyent.com/cloudapi/#GetMachine
func (c *Client) GetMachine(machineID string) (*Machine, error) {
var resp Machine
req := request{
method: client.GET,
url: makeURL(apiMachines, machineID),
resp: &resp,
if _, err := c.sendRequest(req); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Newf(err, "failed to get machine with id: %s", machineID)
return &resp, nil
// CreateMachine creates a new machine with the options specified.
// See API docs: http://apidocs.joyent.com/cloudapi/#CreateMachine
func (c *Client) CreateMachine(opts CreateMachineOpts) (*Machine, error) {
var resp Machine
req := request{
method: client.POST,
url: apiMachines,
reqValue: opts,
resp: &resp,
expectedStatus: http.StatusCreated,
if _, err := c.sendRequest(req); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Newf(err, "failed to create machine with name: %s", opts.Name)
return &resp, nil
// StopMachine stops a running machine.
// See API docs: http://apidocs.joyent.com/cloudapi/#StopMachine
func (c *Client) StopMachine(machineID string) error {
req := request{
method: client.POST,
url: fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s?action=%s", apiMachines, machineID, actionStop),
expectedStatus: http.StatusAccepted,
if _, err := c.sendRequest(req); err != nil {
return errors.Newf(err, "failed to stop machine with id: %s", machineID)
return nil
// StartMachine starts a stopped machine.
// See API docs: http://apidocs.joyent.com/cloudapi/#StartMachine
func (c *Client) StartMachine(machineID string) error {
req := request{
method: client.POST,
url: fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s?action=%s", apiMachines, machineID, actionStart),
expectedStatus: http.StatusAccepted,
if _, err := c.sendRequest(req); err != nil {
return errors.Newf(err, "failed to start machine with id: %s", machineID)
return nil
// RebootMachine reboots (stop followed by a start) a machine.
// See API docs: http://apidocs.joyent.com/cloudapi/#RebootMachine
func (c *Client) RebootMachine(machineID string) error {
req := request{
method: client.POST,
url: fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s?action=%s", apiMachines, machineID, actionReboot),
expectedStatus: http.StatusAccepted,
if _, err := c.sendRequest(req); err != nil {
return errors.Newf(err, "failed to reboot machine with id: %s", machineID)
return nil
// ResizeMachine allows you to resize a SmartMachine. Virtual machines can also
// be resized, but only resizing virtual machines to a higher capacity package
// is supported.
// See API docs: http://apidocs.joyent.com/cloudapi/#ResizeMachine
func (c *Client) ResizeMachine(machineID, packageName string) error {
req := request{
method: client.POST,
url: fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s?action=%s&package=%s", apiMachines, machineID, actionResize, packageName),
expectedStatus: http.StatusAccepted,
if _, err := c.sendRequest(req); err != nil {
return errors.Newf(err, "failed to resize machine with id: %s", machineID)
return nil
// RenameMachine renames an existing machine.
// See API docs: http://apidocs.joyent.com/cloudapi/#RenameMachine
func (c *Client) RenameMachine(machineID, machineName string) error {
req := request{
method: client.POST,
url: fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s?action=%s&name=%s", apiMachines, machineID, actionRename, machineName),
expectedStatus: http.StatusAccepted,
if _, err := c.sendRequest(req); err != nil {
return errors.Newf(err, "failed to rename machine with id: %s", machineID)
return nil
// DeleteMachine allows you to completely destroy a machine. Machine must be in the 'stopped' state.
// See API docs: http://apidocs.joyent.com/cloudapi/#DeleteMachine
func (c *Client) DeleteMachine(machineID string) error {
req := request{
method: client.DELETE,
url: makeURL(apiMachines, machineID),
expectedStatus: http.StatusNoContent,
if _, err := c.sendRequest(req); err != nil {
return errors.Newf(err, "failed to delete machine with id %s", machineID)
return nil
// MachineAudit provides a list of machine's accomplished actions, (sorted from
// latest to older one).
// See API docs: http://apidocs.joyent.com/cloudapi/#MachineAudit
func (c *Client) MachineAudit(machineID string) ([]AuditAction, error) {
var resp []AuditAction
req := request{
method: client.GET,
url: makeURL(apiMachines, machineID, apiAudit),
resp: &resp,
if _, err := c.sendRequest(req); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Newf(err, "failed to get actions for machine with id %s", machineID)
return resp, nil