
299 lines
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package jsonconfig
import (
ctyjson "github.com/zclconf/go-cty/cty/json"
// Config represents the complete configuration source
type config struct {
ProviderConfigs map[string]providerConfig `json:"provider_config,omitempty"`
RootModule module `json:"root_module,omitempty"`
// ProviderConfig describes all of the provider configurations throughout the
// configuration tree, flattened into a single map for convenience since
// provider configurations are the one concept in Terraform that can span across
// module boundaries.
type providerConfig struct {
Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
Alias string `json:"alias,omitempty"`
ModuleAddress string `json:"module_address,omitempty"`
Expressions map[string]interface{} `json:"expressions,omitempty"`
type module struct {
Outputs map[string]configOutput `json:"outputs,omitempty"`
// Resources are sorted in a user-friendly order that is undefined at this
// time, but consistent.
Resources []resource `json:"resources,omitempty"`
ModuleCalls map[string]moduleCall `json:"module_calls,omitempty"`
Variables variables `json:"variables,omitempty"`
type moduleCall struct {
Source string `json:"source,omitempty"`
Expressions map[string]interface{} `json:"expressions,omitempty"`
CountExpression *expression `json:"count_expression,omitempty"`
ForEachExpression *expression `json:"for_each_expression,omitempty"`
Module module `json:"module,omitempty"`
VersionConstraint string `json:"version_constraint,omitempty"`
// variables is the JSON representation of the variables provided to the current
// plan.
type variables map[string]*variable
type variable struct {
Default json.RawMessage `json:"default,omitempty"`
Description string `json:"description,omitempty"`
// Resource is the representation of a resource in the config
type resource struct {
// Address is the absolute resource address
Address string `json:"address,omitempty"`
// Mode can be "managed" or "data"
Mode string `json:"mode,omitempty"`
Type string `json:"type,omitempty"`
Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
// ProviderConfigKey is the key into "provider_configs" (shown above) for
// the provider configuration that this resource is associated with.
ProviderConfigKey string `json:"provider_config_key,omitempty"`
// Provisioners is an optional field which describes any provisioners.
// Connection info will not be included here.
Provisioners []provisioner `json:"provisioners,omitempty"`
// Expressions" describes the resource-type-specific content of the
// configuration block.
Expressions map[string]interface{} `json:"expressions,omitempty"`
// SchemaVersion indicates which version of the resource type schema the
// "values" property conforms to.
SchemaVersion uint64 `json:"schema_version"`
// CountExpression and ForEachExpression describe the expressions given for
// the corresponding meta-arguments in the resource configuration block.
// These are omitted if the corresponding argument isn't set.
CountExpression *expression `json:"count_expression,omitempty"`
ForEachExpression *expression `json:"for_each_expression,omitempty"`
type configOutput struct {
Sensitive bool `json:"sensitive,omitempty"`
Expression expression `json:"expression,omitempty"`
type provisioner struct {
Type string `json:"type,omitempty"`
Expressions map[string]interface{} `json:"expressions,omitempty"`
// Marshal returns the json encoding of terraform configuration.
func Marshal(c *configs.Config, schemas *terraform.Schemas) ([]byte, error) {
var output config
pcs := make(map[string]providerConfig)
marshalProviderConfigs(c, schemas, pcs)
output.ProviderConfigs = pcs
rootModule, err := marshalModule(c, schemas)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
output.RootModule = rootModule
ret, err := json.Marshal(output)
return ret, err
func marshalProviderConfigs(
c *configs.Config,
schemas *terraform.Schemas,
m map[string]providerConfig,
) {
if c == nil {
for k, pc := range c.Module.ProviderConfigs {
schema := schemas.ProviderConfig(pc.Name)
m[k] = providerConfig{
Name: pc.Name,
Alias: pc.Alias,
ModuleAddress: c.Path.String(),
Expressions: marshalExpressions(pc.Config, schema),
// Must also visit our child modules, recursively.
for _, cc := range c.Children {
marshalProviderConfigs(cc, schemas, m)
func marshalModule(c *configs.Config, schemas *terraform.Schemas) (module, error) {
var module module
var rs []resource
managedResources, err := marshalResources(c.Module.ManagedResources, schemas)
if err != nil {
return module, err
dataResources, err := marshalResources(c.Module.DataResources, schemas)
if err != nil {
return module, err
rs = append(managedResources, dataResources...)
module.Resources = rs
outputs := make(map[string]configOutput)
for _, v := range c.Module.Outputs {
outputs[v.Name] = configOutput{
Sensitive: v.Sensitive,
Expression: marshalExpression(v.Expr),
module.Outputs = outputs
module.ModuleCalls = marshalModuleCalls(c, schemas)
if len(c.Module.Variables) > 0 {
vars := make(variables, len(c.Module.Variables))
for k, v := range c.Module.Variables {
var defaultValJSON []byte
if v.Default == cty.NilVal {
defaultValJSON = nil
} else {
defaultValJSON, err = ctyjson.Marshal(v.Default, v.Default.Type())
if err != nil {
return module, err
vars[k] = &variable{
Default: defaultValJSON,
Description: v.Description,
module.Variables = vars
return module, nil
func marshalModuleCalls(c *configs.Config, schemas *terraform.Schemas) map[string]moduleCall {
ret := make(map[string]moduleCall)
for _, mc := range c.Module.ModuleCalls {
retMC := moduleCall{
Source: mc.SourceAddr,
VersionConstraint: mc.Version.Required.String(),
cExp := marshalExpression(mc.Count)
if !cExp.Empty() {
retMC.CountExpression = &cExp
} else {
fExp := marshalExpression(mc.ForEach)
if !fExp.Empty() {
retMC.ForEachExpression = &fExp
// get the called module's variables so we can build up the expressions
childModule := c.Children[mc.Name]
schema := &configschema.Block{}
schema.Attributes = make(map[string]*configschema.Attribute)
for _, variable := range childModule.Module.Variables {
schema.Attributes[variable.Name] = &configschema.Attribute{
Required: variable.Default == cty.NilVal,
retMC.Expressions = marshalExpressions(mc.Config, schema)
for _, cc := range c.Children {
childModule, _ := marshalModule(cc, schemas)
retMC.Module = childModule
ret[mc.Name] = retMC
return ret
func marshalResources(resources map[string]*configs.Resource, schemas *terraform.Schemas) ([]resource, error) {
var rs []resource
for _, v := range resources {
r := resource{
Address: v.Addr().String(),
Type: v.Type,
Name: v.Name,
ProviderConfigKey: v.ProviderConfigAddr().String(),
switch v.Mode {
case addrs.ManagedResourceMode:
r.Mode = "managed"
case addrs.DataResourceMode:
r.Mode = "data"
return rs, fmt.Errorf("resource %s has an unsupported mode %s", r.Address, v.Mode.String())
cExp := marshalExpression(v.Count)
if !cExp.Empty() {
r.CountExpression = &cExp
} else {
fExp := marshalExpression(v.ForEach)
if !fExp.Empty() {
r.ForEachExpression = &fExp
schema, schemaVer := schemas.ResourceTypeConfig(
if schema == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("no schema found for %s", v.Addr().String())
r.SchemaVersion = schemaVer
r.Expressions = marshalExpressions(v.Config, schema)
// Managed is populated only for Mode = addrs.ManagedResourceMode
if v.Managed != nil && len(v.Managed.Provisioners) > 0 {
var provisioners []provisioner
for _, p := range v.Managed.Provisioners {
schema := schemas.ProvisionerConfig(p.Type)
prov := provisioner{
Type: p.Type,
Expressions: marshalExpressions(p.Config, schema),
provisioners = append(provisioners, prov)
r.Provisioners = provisioners
rs = append(rs, r)
sort.Slice(rs, func(i, j int) bool {
return rs[i].Address < rs[j].Address
return rs, nil