Martin Atkins ec57927ea3 build: Take protoc out of the "go generate" path
Since protoc is not go-gettable, and most development tasks in Terraform
won't involve recompiling protoc files anyway, we'll use a separate
mechanism for these.

This way "go generate" only depends on things we can "go get" in the
"make tools" target.

In a later commit we should also in some way specify a particular version
of protoc to use so that we don't get "flapping" regenerations as
developers work with different versions, but the priority here is just to
make "make generate" minimally usable again to restore the dev workflow
documented in the README.

This also includes some updates that resulted from running "make generate"
and "make protobuf" after those Makefile changes were in place.
2018-10-18 10:39:20 -07:00
Azure Revert some work that happened since v0.12-dev branched 2018-10-16 19:48:28 -07:00
ChrisTrenkamp/goxpath vendor: update to latest github.com/zclconf/go-cty 2018-10-16 19:14:11 -07:00
Unknwon/com vendor: update to latest github.com/zclconf/go-cty 2018-10-16 19:14:11 -07:00
agext/levenshtein vendor: update to latest github.com/zclconf/go-cty 2018-10-16 19:14:11 -07:00
agl/ed25519 deps: github.com/hashicorp/vault/helper/pgpkeys 2016-10-25 12:08:50 -05:00
antchfx vendor: update to latest github.com/zclconf/go-cty 2018-10-16 19:14:11 -07:00
apparentlymart vendor: update to latest github.com/zclconf/go-cty 2018-10-16 19:14:11 -07:00
armon vendor: update to latest github.com/zclconf/go-cty 2018-10-16 19:14:11 -07:00
aws/aws-sdk-go vendor: make some transitive dependencies line up better 2018-10-16 19:14:54 -07:00
beevik/etree vendor: update to latest github.com/zclconf/go-cty 2018-10-16 19:14:11 -07:00
bgentry vendor: update to latest github.com/zclconf/go-cty 2018-10-16 19:14:11 -07:00
blang/semver vendor: update to latest github.com/zclconf/go-cty 2018-10-16 19:14:11 -07:00
chzyer/readline vendor: update to latest github.com/zclconf/go-cty 2018-10-16 19:14:11 -07:00
coreos vendor: make some transitive dependencies line up better 2018-10-16 19:14:54 -07:00
davecgh/go-spew vendor: Update HCL2 and cty, and other related packages 2018-10-16 19:14:11 -07:00
dgrijalva/jwt-go vendor: update to latest github.com/zclconf/go-cty 2018-10-16 19:14:11 -07:00
dylanmei vendor: update to latest github.com/zclconf/go-cty 2018-10-16 19:14:11 -07:00
go-ini/ini vendor: update to latest github.com/zclconf/go-cty 2018-10-16 19:14:11 -07:00
go-test/deep vendor: update to latest github.com/zclconf/go-cty 2018-10-16 19:14:11 -07:00
gogo/protobuf vendor: make some transitive dependencies line up better 2018-10-16 19:14:54 -07:00
golang build: Take protoc out of the "go generate" path 2018-10-18 10:39:20 -07:00
google/go-cmp Revert some work that happened since v0.12-dev branched 2018-10-16 19:48:28 -07:00
googleapis/gax-go vendor: update to latest github.com/zclconf/go-cty 2018-10-16 19:14:11 -07:00
gophercloud/gophercloud vendor: update to latest github.com/zclconf/go-cty 2018-10-16 19:14:11 -07:00
hashicorp Revert some work that happened since v0.12-dev branched 2018-10-16 19:48:28 -07:00
jen20/awspolicyequivalence vendor: update to latest github.com/zclconf/go-cty 2018-10-16 19:14:11 -07:00
jmespath/go-jmespath vendor: update to latest github.com/zclconf/go-cty 2018-10-16 19:14:11 -07:00
joyent/triton-go vendor: update to latest github.com/zclconf/go-cty 2018-10-16 19:14:11 -07:00
kardianos/osext Update deps in unknown state and rever nomad 2017-01-19 20:10:17 -05:00
keybase/go-crypto vendor: update to latest github.com/zclconf/go-cty 2018-10-16 19:14:11 -07:00
lusis/go-artifactory Fix up deps 2016-02-22 10:21:33 -08:00
masterzen vendor: update to latest github.com/zclconf/go-cty 2018-10-16 19:14:11 -07:00
mattn vendor: update to latest github.com/zclconf/go-cty 2018-10-16 19:14:11 -07:00
mitchellh vendor: Update HCL2 and cty, and other related packages 2018-10-16 19:14:11 -07:00
nu7hatch/gouuid vendor: update to latest github.com/zclconf/go-cty 2018-10-16 19:14:11 -07:00
oklog/run vendor: update to latest github.com/zclconf/go-cty 2018-10-16 19:14:11 -07:00
packer-community/winrmcp vendor: update to latest github.com/zclconf/go-cty 2018-10-16 19:14:11 -07:00
pkg/errors vendor: update to latest github.com/zclconf/go-cty 2018-10-16 19:14:11 -07:00
posener/complete vendor: update to latest github.com/zclconf/go-cty 2018-10-16 19:14:11 -07:00
satori vendor: update to latest github.com/zclconf/go-cty 2018-10-16 19:14:11 -07:00
spf13/afero vendor: update to latest github.com/zclconf/go-cty 2018-10-16 19:14:11 -07:00
terraform-providers vendor: update to latest github.com/zclconf/go-cty 2018-10-16 19:14:11 -07:00
ugorji/go vendor: update to latest github.com/zclconf/go-cty 2018-10-16 19:14:11 -07:00
ulikunitz/xz vendor: update to latest github.com/zclconf/go-cty 2018-10-16 19:14:11 -07:00
vmihailenco/msgpack vendor: update to latest github.com/zclconf/go-cty 2018-10-16 19:14:11 -07:00
xanzy/ssh-agent Revert some work that happened since v0.12-dev branched 2018-10-16 19:48:28 -07:00
xlab/treeprint vendoring of treeprint library 2017-06-09 14:03:59 -07:00
zclconf/go-cty vendor: upgrade to latest github.com/zclconf/go-cty 2018-10-17 17:02:47 -07:00