
933 lines
27 KiB

package terraform
import (
// InputMode defines what sort of input will be asked for when Input
// is called on Context.
type InputMode byte
const (
// InputModeVar asks for all variables
InputModeVar InputMode = 1 << iota
// InputModeVarUnset asks for variables which are not set yet.
// InputModeVar must be set for this to have an effect.
// InputModeProvider asks for provider variables
// InputModeStd is the standard operating mode and asks for both variables
// and providers.
InputModeStd = InputModeVar | InputModeProvider
var (
// contextFailOnShadowError will cause Context operations to return
// errors when shadow operations fail. This is only used for testing.
contextFailOnShadowError = false
// contextTestDeepCopyOnPlan will perform a Diff DeepCopy on every
// Plan operation, effectively testing the Diff DeepCopy whenever
// a Plan occurs. This is enabled for tests.
contextTestDeepCopyOnPlan = false
// ContextOpts are the user-configurable options to create a context with
// NewContext.
type ContextOpts struct {
Meta *ContextMeta
Destroy bool
Diff *Diff
Hooks []Hook
Config *configs.Config
Parallelism int
State *State
StateFutureAllowed bool
ProviderResolver ResourceProviderResolver
Provisioners map[string]ResourceProvisionerFactory
Shadow bool
Targets []addrs.Targetable
Variables InputValues
// If non-nil, will apply as additional constraints on the provider
// plugins that will be requested from the provider resolver.
ProviderSHA256s map[string][]byte
SkipProviderVerify bool
UIInput UIInput
// ContextMeta is metadata about the running context. This is information
// that this package or structure cannot determine on its own but exposes
// into Terraform in various ways. This must be provided by the Context
// initializer.
type ContextMeta struct {
Env string // Env is the state environment
// Context represents all the context that Terraform needs in order to
// perform operations on infrastructure. This structure is built using
// NewContext. See the documentation for that.
// Extra functions on Context can be found in context_*.go files.
type Context struct {
// Maintainer note: Anytime this struct is changed, please verify
// that newShadowContext still does the right thing. Tests should
// fail regardless but putting this note here as well.
components contextComponentFactory
destroy bool
diff *Diff
diffLock sync.RWMutex
hooks []Hook
meta *ContextMeta
config *configs.Config
sh *stopHook
shadow bool
state *State
stateLock sync.RWMutex
targets []addrs.Targetable
uiInput UIInput
variables InputValues
l sync.Mutex // Lock acquired during any task
parallelSem Semaphore
providerInputConfig map[string]map[string]cty.Value
providerSHA256s map[string][]byte
runLock sync.Mutex
runCond *sync.Cond
runContext context.Context
runContextCancel context.CancelFunc
shadowErr error
// NewContext creates a new Context structure.
// Once a Context is created, the caller should not access or mutate any of
// the objects referenced (directly or indirectly) by the ContextOpts fields.
// If the returned diagnostics contains errors then the resulting context is
// invalid and must not be used.
func NewContext(opts *ContextOpts) (*Context, tfdiags.Diagnostics) {
diags := CheckCoreVersionRequirements(opts.Config)
// If version constraints are not met then we'll bail early since otherwise
// we're likely to just see a bunch of other errors related to
// incompatibilities, which could be overwhelming for the user.
if diags.HasErrors() {
return nil, diags
// Copy all the hooks and add our stop hook. We don't append directly
// to the Config so that we're not modifying that in-place.
sh := new(stopHook)
hooks := make([]Hook, len(opts.Hooks)+1)
copy(hooks, opts.Hooks)
hooks[len(opts.Hooks)] = sh
state := opts.State
if state == nil {
state = new(State)
// If our state is from the future, then error. Callers can avoid
// this error by explicitly setting `StateFutureAllowed`.
if stateDiags := CheckStateVersion(state, opts.StateFutureAllowed); stateDiags.HasErrors() {
diags = diags.Append(stateDiags)
return nil, diags
// Explicitly reset our state version to our current version so that
// any operations we do will write out that our latest version
// has run.
state.TFVersion = version.Version
// Determine parallelism, default to 10. We do this both to limit
// CPU pressure but also to have an extra guard against rate throttling
// from providers.
par := opts.Parallelism
if par == 0 {
par = 10
// Set up the variables in the following sequence:
// 0 - Take default values from the configuration
// 1 - Take values from TF_VAR_x environment variables
// 2 - Take values specified in -var flags, overriding values
// set by environment variables if necessary. This includes
// values taken from -var-file in addition.
var variables InputValues
if opts.Config != nil {
// Default variables from the configuration seed our map.
variables = DefaultVariableValues(opts.Config.Module.Variables)
// Variables provided by the caller (from CLI, environment, etc) can
// override the defaults.
variables = variables.Override(opts.Variables)
// Bind available provider plugins to the constraints in config
var providers map[string]ResourceProviderFactory
if opts.ProviderResolver != nil {
var err error
deps := ConfigTreeDependencies(opts.Config, state)
reqd := deps.AllPluginRequirements()
if opts.ProviderSHA256s != nil && !opts.SkipProviderVerify {
providers, err = resourceProviderFactories(opts.ProviderResolver, reqd)
if err != nil {
diags = diags.Append(err)
return nil, diags
} else {
providers = make(map[string]ResourceProviderFactory)
diff := opts.Diff
if diff == nil {
diff = &Diff{}
return &Context{
components: &basicComponentFactory{
providers: providers,
provisioners: opts.Provisioners,
destroy: opts.Destroy,
diff: diff,
hooks: hooks,
meta: opts.Meta,
config: opts.Config,
shadow: opts.Shadow,
state: state,
targets: opts.Targets,
uiInput: opts.UIInput,
variables: variables,
parallelSem: NewSemaphore(par),
providerInputConfig: make(map[string]map[string]cty.Value),
providerSHA256s: opts.ProviderSHA256s,
sh: sh,
}, nil
type ContextGraphOpts struct {
// If true, validates the graph structure (checks for cycles).
Validate bool
// Legacy graphs only: won't prune the graph
Verbose bool
// Graph returns the graph used for the given operation type.
// The most extensive or complex graph type is GraphTypePlan.
func (c *Context) Graph(typ GraphType, opts *ContextGraphOpts) (*Graph, tfdiags.Diagnostics) {
if opts == nil {
opts = &ContextGraphOpts{Validate: true}
log.Printf("[INFO] terraform: building graph: %s", typ)
switch typ {
case GraphTypeApply:
return (&ApplyGraphBuilder{
Config: c.config,
Diff: c.diff,
State: c.state,
Providers: c.components.ResourceProviders(),
Provisioners: c.components.ResourceProvisioners(),
Targets: c.targets,
Destroy: c.destroy,
Validate: opts.Validate,
case GraphTypeInput:
// The input graph is just a slightly modified plan graph
case GraphTypeValidate:
// The validate graph is just a slightly modified plan graph
case GraphTypePlan:
// Create the plan graph builder
p := &PlanGraphBuilder{
Config: c.config,
State: c.state,
Providers: c.components.ResourceProviders(),
Targets: c.targets,
Validate: opts.Validate,
// Some special cases for other graph types shared with plan currently
var b GraphBuilder = p
switch typ {
case GraphTypeInput:
b = InputGraphBuilder(p)
case GraphTypeValidate:
// We need to set the provisioners so those can be validated
p.Provisioners = c.components.ResourceProvisioners()
b = ValidateGraphBuilder(p)
return b.Build(addrs.RootModuleInstance)
case GraphTypePlanDestroy:
return (&DestroyPlanGraphBuilder{
Config: c.config,
State: c.state,
Targets: c.targets,
Validate: opts.Validate,
case GraphTypeRefresh:
return (&RefreshGraphBuilder{
Config: c.config,
State: c.state,
Providers: c.components.ResourceProviders(),
Targets: c.targets,
Validate: opts.Validate,
// Should never happen, because the above is exhaustive for all graph types.
panic(fmt.Errorf("unsupported graph type %s", typ))
// ShadowError returns any errors caught during a shadow operation.
// A shadow operation is an operation run in parallel to a real operation
// that performs the same tasks using new logic on copied state. The results
// are compared to ensure that the new logic works the same as the old logic.
// The shadow never affects the real operation or return values.
// The result of the shadow operation are only available through this function
// call after a real operation is complete.
// For API consumers of Context, you can safely ignore this function
// completely if you have no interest in helping report experimental feature
// errors to Terraform maintainers. Otherwise, please call this function
// after every operation and report this to the user.
// IMPORTANT: Shadow errors are _never_ critical: they _never_ affect
// the real state or result of a real operation. They are purely informational
// to assist in future Terraform versions being more stable. Please message
// this effectively to the end user.
// This must be called only when no other operation is running (refresh,
// plan, etc.). The result can be used in parallel to any other operation
// running.
func (c *Context) ShadowError() error {
return c.shadowErr
// State returns a copy of the current state associated with this context.
// This cannot safely be called in parallel with any other Context function.
func (c *Context) State() *State {
return c.state.DeepCopy()
// Evaluator returns an Evaluator that references this context's state, and
// that can be used to obtain data for expression evaluation within the
// receiving context.
func (c *Context) Evaluator() *Evaluator {
return &Evaluator{
Operation: walkApply,
Meta: c.meta,
Config: c.config,
State: c.state,
StateLock: &c.stateLock,
RootVariableValues: c.variables,
// Interpolater is no longer used. Use Evaluator instead.
// The interpolator returned from this function will return an error on any use.
func (c *Context) Interpolater() *Interpolater {
// FIXME: Remove this once all callers are updated to no longer use it.
return &Interpolater{}
// Input asks for input to fill variables and provider configurations.
// This modifies the configuration in-place, so asking for Input twice
// may result in different UI output showing different current values.
func (c *Context) Input(mode InputMode) tfdiags.Diagnostics {
var diags tfdiags.Diagnostics
defer c.acquireRun("input")()
if mode&InputModeVar != 0 {
// Walk the variables first for the root module. We walk them in
// alphabetical order for UX reasons.
configs := c.config.Module.Variables
names := make([]string, 0, len(configs))
for name := range configs {
names = append(names, name)
for _, n := range names {
v := configs[n]
// If we only care about unset variables, then we should set any
// variable that is already set.
if mode&InputModeVarUnset != 0 {
if _, isSet := c.variables[n]; isSet {
// this should only happen during tests
if c.uiInput == nil {
log.Println("[WARN] Context.uiInput is nil during input walk")
// Ask the user for a value for this variable
var rawValue string
retry := 0
for {
var err error
rawValue, err = c.uiInput.Input(&InputOpts{
Id: fmt.Sprintf("var.%s", n),
Query: fmt.Sprintf("var.%s", n),
Description: v.Description,
if err != nil {
diags = diags.Append(tfdiags.Sourceless(
"Failed to request interactive input",
fmt.Sprintf("Terraform attempted to request a value for var.%s interactively, but encountered an error: %s.", n, err),
return diags
if rawValue == "" && v.Default == cty.NilVal {
// Redo if it is required, but abort if we keep getting
// blank entries
if retry > 2 {
diags = diags.Append(tfdiags.Sourceless(
"Required variable not assigned",
fmt.Sprintf("The variable %q is required, so Terraform cannot proceed without a defined value for it.", n),
continue Variables
val, valDiags := v.ParsingMode.Parse(n, rawValue)
diags = diags.Append(valDiags)
if diags.HasErrors() {
c.variables[n] = &InputValue{
Value: val,
SourceType: ValueFromInput,
if mode&InputModeProvider != 0 {
// Build the graph
graph, err := c.Graph(GraphTypeInput, nil)
if err != nil {
diags = diags.Append(err)
return diags
// Do the walk
if _, err := c.walk(graph, walkInput); err != nil {
diags = diags.Append(err)
return diags
return diags
// Apply applies the changes represented by this context and returns
// the resulting state.
// Even in the case an error is returned, the state may be returned and will
// potentially be partially updated. In addition to returning the resulting
// state, this context is updated with the latest state.
// If the state is required after an error, the caller should call
// Context.State, rather than rely on the return value.
// TODO: Apply and Refresh should either always return a state, or rely on the
// State() method. Currently the helper/resource testing framework relies
// on the absence of a returned state to determine if Destroy can be
// called, so that will need to be refactored before this can be changed.
func (c *Context) Apply() (*State, tfdiags.Diagnostics) {
defer c.acquireRun("apply")()
// Copy our own state
c.state = c.state.DeepCopy()
// Build the graph.
graph, diags := c.Graph(GraphTypeApply, nil)
if diags.HasErrors() {
return nil, diags
// Determine the operation
operation := walkApply
if c.destroy {
operation = walkDestroy
// Walk the graph
walker, walkDiags := c.walk(graph, operation)
diags = diags.Append(walker.NonFatalDiagnostics)
diags = diags.Append(walkDiags)
// Clean out any unused things
return c.state, diags
// Plan generates an execution plan for the given context.
// The execution plan encapsulates the context and can be stored
// in order to reinstantiate a context later for Apply.
// Plan also updates the diff of this context to be the diff generated
// by the plan, so Apply can be called after.
func (c *Context) Plan() (*Plan, tfdiags.Diagnostics) {
defer c.acquireRun("plan")()
// The Plan struct wants the legacy-style of targets as a simple []string,
// so we must shim that here.
legacyTargets := make([]string, len(c.targets))
for i, addr := range c.targets {
legacyTargets[i] = addr.String()
var diags tfdiags.Diagnostics
p := &Plan{
Config: c.config,
Vars: c.variables.JustValues(),
State: c.state,
Targets: legacyTargets,
TerraformVersion: version.String(),
ProviderSHA256s: c.providerSHA256s,
var operation walkOperation
if c.destroy {
operation = walkPlanDestroy
p.Destroy = true
} else {
// Set our state to be something temporary. We do this so that
// the plan can update a fake state so that variables work, then
// we replace it back with our old state.
old := c.state
if old == nil {
c.state = &State{}
} else {
c.state = old.DeepCopy()
defer func() {
c.state = old
operation = walkPlan
// Setup our diff
c.diff = new(Diff)
// Build the graph.
graphType := GraphTypePlan
if c.destroy {
graphType = GraphTypePlanDestroy
graph, graphDiags := c.Graph(graphType, nil)
diags = diags.Append(graphDiags)
if graphDiags.HasErrors() {
return nil, diags
// Do the walk
walker, walkDiags := c.walk(graph, operation)
diags = diags.Append(walker.NonFatalDiagnostics)
diags = diags.Append(walkDiags)
if walkDiags.HasErrors() {
return nil, diags
p.Diff = c.diff
// If this is true, it means we're running unit tests. In this case,
// we perform a deep copy just to ensure that all context tests also
// test that a diff is copy-able. This will panic if it fails. This
// is enabled during unit tests.
// This should never be true during production usage, but even if it is,
// it can't do any real harm.
if contextTestDeepCopyOnPlan {
return p, diags
// Refresh goes through all the resources in the state and refreshes them
// to their latest state. This will update the state that this context
// works with, along with returning it.
// Even in the case an error is returned, the state may be returned and
// will potentially be partially updated.
func (c *Context) Refresh() (*State, tfdiags.Diagnostics) {
defer c.acquireRun("refresh")()
// Copy our own state
c.state = c.state.DeepCopy()
// Build the graph.
graph, diags := c.Graph(GraphTypeRefresh, nil)
if diags.HasErrors() {
return nil, diags
// Do the walk
_, walkDiags := c.walk(graph, walkRefresh)
diags = diags.Append(walkDiags)
if walkDiags.HasErrors() {
return nil, diags
// Clean out any unused things
return c.state, diags
// Stop stops the running task.
// Stop will block until the task completes.
func (c *Context) Stop() {
log.Printf("[WARN] terraform: Stop called, initiating interrupt sequence")
defer c.l.Unlock()
// If we're running, then stop
if c.runContextCancel != nil {
log.Printf("[WARN] terraform: run context exists, stopping")
// Tell the hook we want to stop
// Stop the context
c.runContextCancel = nil
// Grab the condition var before we exit
if cond := c.runCond; cond != nil {
log.Printf("[WARN] terraform: stop complete")
// Validate performs semantic validation of the configuration, and returning
// any warnings or errors.
// Syntax and structural checks are performed by the configuration loader,
// and so are not repeated here.
func (c *Context) Validate() tfdiags.Diagnostics {
defer c.acquireRun("validate")()
var diags tfdiags.Diagnostics
// Validate input variables. We do this only for the values supplied
// by the root module, since child module calls are validated when we
// visit their graph nodes.
if c.config != nil {
varDiags := checkInputVariables(c.config.Module.Variables, c.variables)
diags = diags.Append(varDiags)
// If we have errors at this point then we probably won't be able to
// construct a graph without producing redundant errors, so we'll halt early.
if diags.HasErrors() {
return diags
// Build the graph so we can walk it and run Validate on nodes.
// We also validate the graph generated here, but this graph doesn't
// necessarily match the graph that Plan will generate, so we'll validate the
// graph again later after Planning.
graph, graphDiags := c.Graph(GraphTypeValidate, nil)
diags = diags.Append(graphDiags)
if graphDiags.HasErrors() {
return diags
// Walk
walker, walkDiags := c.walk(graph, walkValidate)
diags = diags.Append(walker.NonFatalDiagnostics)
diags = diags.Append(walkDiags)
if walkDiags.HasErrors() {
return diags
return diags
// Config returns the configuration tree associated with this context.
func (c *Context) Config() *configs.Config {
return c.config
// Variables will return the mapping of variables that were defined
// for this Context. If Input was called, this mapping may be different
// than what was given.
func (c *Context) Variables() InputValues {
return c.variables
// SetVariable sets a variable after a context has already been built.
func (c *Context) SetVariable(k string, v cty.Value) {
c.variables[k] = &InputValue{
Value: v,
SourceType: ValueFromCaller,
func (c *Context) acquireRun(phase string) func() {
// With the run lock held, grab the context lock to make changes
// to the run context.
defer c.l.Unlock()
// Wait until we're no longer running
for c.runCond != nil {
// Build our lock
c.runCond = sync.NewCond(&c.l)
// Setup debugging
// Create a new run context
c.runContext, c.runContextCancel = context.WithCancel(context.Background())
// Reset the stop hook so we're not stopped
// Reset the shadow errors
c.shadowErr = nil
return c.releaseRun
func (c *Context) releaseRun() {
// Grab the context lock so that we can make modifications to fields
defer c.l.Unlock()
// setting the phase to "INVALID" lets us easily detect if we have
// operations happening outside of a run, or we missed setting the proper
// phase
// End our run. We check if runContext is non-nil because it can be
// set to nil if it was cancelled via Stop()
if c.runContextCancel != nil {
// Unlock all waiting our condition
cond := c.runCond
c.runCond = nil
// Unset the context
c.runContext = nil
func (c *Context) walk(graph *Graph, operation walkOperation) (*ContextGraphWalker, tfdiags.Diagnostics) {
// Keep track of the "real" context which is the context that does
// the real work: talking to real providers, modifying real state, etc.
realCtx := c
log.Printf("[DEBUG] Starting graph walk: %s", operation.String())
walker := &ContextGraphWalker{
Context: realCtx,
Operation: operation,
StopContext: c.runContext,
// Watch for a stop so we can call the provider Stop() API.
watchStop, watchWait := c.watchStop(walker)
// Walk the real graph, this will block until it completes
diags := graph.Walk(walker)
// Close the channel so the watcher stops, and wait for it to return.
return walker, diags
// watchStop immediately returns a `stop` and a `wait` chan after dispatching
// the watchStop goroutine. This will watch the runContext for cancellation and
// stop the providers accordingly. When the watch is no longer needed, the
// `stop` chan should be closed before waiting on the `wait` chan.
// The `wait` chan is important, because without synchronizing with the end of
// the watchStop goroutine, the runContext may also be closed during the select
// incorrectly causing providers to be stopped. Even if the graph walk is done
// at that point, stopping a provider permanently cancels its StopContext which
// can cause later actions to fail.
func (c *Context) watchStop(walker *ContextGraphWalker) (chan struct{}, <-chan struct{}) {
stop := make(chan struct{})
wait := make(chan struct{})
// get the runContext cancellation channel now, because releaseRun will
// write to the runContext field.
done := c.runContext.Done()
go func() {
defer close(wait)
// Wait for a stop or completion
select {
case <-done:
// done means the context was canceled, so we need to try and stop
// providers.
case <-stop:
// our own stop channel was closed.
// If we're here, we're stopped, trigger the call.
// Copy the providers so that a misbehaved blocking Stop doesn't
// completely hang Terraform.
ps := make([]ResourceProvider, 0, len(walker.providerCache))
for _, p := range walker.providerCache {
ps = append(ps, p)
defer walker.providerLock.Unlock()
for _, p := range ps {
// We ignore the error for now since there isn't any reasonable
// action to take if there is an error here, since the stop is still
// advisory: Terraform will exit once the graph node completes.
// Call stop on all the provisioners
ps := make([]ResourceProvisioner, 0, len(walker.provisionerCache))
for _, p := range walker.provisionerCache {
ps = append(ps, p)
defer walker.provisionerLock.Unlock()
for _, p := range ps {
// We ignore the error for now since there isn't any reasonable
// action to take if there is an error here, since the stop is still
// advisory: Terraform will exit once the graph node completes.
return stop, wait
// parseVariableAsHCL parses the value of a single variable as would have been specified
// on the command line via -var or in an environment variable named TF_VAR_x, where x is
// the name of the variable. In order to get around the restriction of HCL requiring a
// top level object, we prepend a sentinel key, decode the user-specified value as its
// value and pull the value back out of the resulting map.
func parseVariableAsHCL(name string, input string, targetType config.VariableType) (interface{}, error) {
// expecting a string so don't decode anything, just strip quotes
if targetType == config.VariableTypeString {
return strings.Trim(input, `"`), nil
// return empty types
if strings.TrimSpace(input) == "" {
switch targetType {
case config.VariableTypeList:
return []interface{}{}, nil
case config.VariableTypeMap:
return make(map[string]interface{}), nil
inputWithSentinal := fmt.Sprintf("%s = %s", sentinelValue, input)
var decoded map[string]interface{}
err := hcl.Decode(&decoded, inputWithSentinal)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Cannot parse value for variable %s (%q) as valid HCL: %s", name, input, err)
if len(decoded) != 1 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Cannot parse value for variable %s (%q) as valid HCL. Only one value may be specified.", name, input)
parsedValue, ok := decoded[sentinelValue]
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Cannot parse value for variable %s (%q) as valid HCL. One value must be specified.", name, input)
switch targetType {
case config.VariableTypeList:
return parsedValue, nil
case config.VariableTypeMap:
if list, ok := parsedValue.([]map[string]interface{}); ok {
return list[0], nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Cannot parse value for variable %s (%q) as valid HCL. One value must be specified.", name, input)
panic(fmt.Errorf("unknown type %s", targetType.Printable()))