
151 lines
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package terraform
import (
// ContextGraphWalker is the GraphWalker implementation used with the
// Context struct to walk and evaluate the graph.
type ContextGraphWalker struct {
// Configurable values
Context *Context
Operation walkOperation
StopContext context.Context
// This is an output. Do not set this, nor read it while a graph walk
// is in progress.
NonFatalDiagnostics tfdiags.Diagnostics
errorLock sync.Mutex
once sync.Once
contexts map[string]*BuiltinEvalContext
contextLock sync.Mutex
interpolaterVars map[string]map[string]interface{}
interpolaterVarLock sync.Mutex
providerCache map[string]ResourceProvider
providerSchemas map[string]*ProviderSchema
providerLock sync.Mutex
provisionerCache map[string]ResourceProvisioner
provisionerSchemas map[string]*configschema.Block
provisionerLock sync.Mutex
func (w *ContextGraphWalker) EnterPath(path addrs.ModuleInstance) EvalContext {
defer w.contextLock.Unlock()
// If we already have a context for this path cached, use that
key := path.String()
if ctx, ok := w.contexts[key]; ok {
return ctx
// Setup the variables for this interpolater
variables := make(map[string]interface{})
if len(path) <= 1 {
for k, v := range w.Context.variables {
variables[k] = v
if m, ok := w.interpolaterVars[key]; ok {
for k, v := range m {
variables[k] = v
w.interpolaterVars[key] = variables
// Our evaluator shares some locks with the main context and the walker
// so that we can safely run multiple evaluations at once across
// different modules.
evaluator := &Evaluator{
StateLock: &w.Context.stateLock,
ctx := &BuiltinEvalContext{
StopContext: w.StopContext,
PathValue: path,
Hooks: w.Context.hooks,
InputValue: w.Context.uiInput,
Components: w.Context.components,
ProviderCache: w.providerCache,
ProviderInputConfig: w.Context.providerInputConfig,
ProviderLock: &w.providerLock,
ProvisionerCache: w.provisionerCache,
ProvisionerLock: &w.provisionerLock,
DiffValue: w.Context.diff,
DiffLock: &w.Context.diffLock,
StateValue: w.Context.state,
StateLock: &w.Context.stateLock,
Evaluator: evaluator,
w.contexts[key] = ctx
return ctx
func (w *ContextGraphWalker) EnterEvalTree(v dag.Vertex, n EvalNode) EvalNode {
log.Printf("[TRACE] [%s] Entering eval tree: %s", w.Operation, dag.VertexName(v))
// Acquire a lock on the semaphore
// We want to filter the evaluation tree to only include operations
// that belong in this operation.
return EvalFilter(n, EvalNodeFilterOp(w.Operation))
func (w *ContextGraphWalker) ExitEvalTree(v dag.Vertex, output interface{}, err error) tfdiags.Diagnostics {
log.Printf("[TRACE] [%s] Exiting eval tree: %s", w.Operation, dag.VertexName(v))
// Release the semaphore
if err == nil {
return nil
// Acquire the lock because anything is going to require a lock.
defer w.errorLock.Unlock()
// If the error is non-fatal then we'll accumulate its diagnostics in our
// non-fatal list, rather than returning it directly, so that the graph
// walk can continue.
if nferr, ok := err.(tfdiags.NonFatalError); ok {
w.NonFatalDiagnostics = w.NonFatalDiagnostics.Append(nferr.Diagnostics)
return nil
// Otherwise, we'll let our usual diagnostics machinery figure out how to
// unpack this as one or more diagnostic messages and return that. If we
// get down here then the returned diagnostics will contain at least one
// error, causing the graph walk to halt.
var diags tfdiags.Diagnostics
diags = diags.Append(err)
return diags
func (w *ContextGraphWalker) init() {
w.contexts = make(map[string]*BuiltinEvalContext)
w.providerCache = make(map[string]ResourceProvider)
w.providerSchemas = make(map[string]*ProviderSchema)
w.provisionerCache = make(map[string]ResourceProvisioner)
w.provisionerSchemas = make(map[string]*configschema.Block)
w.interpolaterVars = make(map[string]map[string]interface{})