
109 lines
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package terraform
import (
// InputValue represents a value for a variable in the root module, provided
// as part of the definition of an operation.
type InputValue struct {
Value cty.Value
SourceType ValueSourceType
// SourceRange provides source location information for values whose
// SourceType is either ValueFromConfig or ValueFromFile. It is not
// populated for other source types, and so should not be used.
SourceRange tfdiags.SourceRange
// ValueSourceType describes what broad category of source location provided
// a particular value.
type ValueSourceType rune
const (
// ValueFromUnknown is the zero value of ValueSourceType and is not valid.
ValueFromUnknown ValueSourceType = 0
// ValueFromConfig indicates that a value came from a .tf or .tf.json file,
// e.g. the default value defined for a variable.
ValueFromConfig ValueSourceType = 'C'
// ValueFromFile indicates that a value came from a "values file", like
// a .tfvars file, either passed explicitly on the command line or
// implicitly loaded by naming convention.
ValueFromFile ValueSourceType = 'F'
// ValueFromCLIArg indicates that the value was provided directly in
// a CLI argument. The name of this argument is not recorded and so it must
// be inferred from context.
ValueFromCLIArg ValueSourceType = 'A'
// ValueFromEnvVar indicates that the value was provided via an environment
// variable. The name of the variable is not recorded and so it must be
// inferred from context.
ValueFromEnvVar ValueSourceType = 'E'
// ValueFromInput indicates that the value was provided at an interactive
// input prompt.
ValueFromInput ValueSourceType = 'I'
// ValueFromPlan indicates that the value was retrieved from a stored plan.
ValueFromPlan ValueSourceType = 'P'
// ValueFromCaller indicates that the value was explicitly overridden by
// a caller to Context.SetVariable after the context was constructed.
ValueFromCaller ValueSourceType = 'S'
//go:generate stringer -type ValueSourceType
// InputValues is a map of InputValue instances.
type InputValues map[string]*InputValue
// Override merges the given value maps with the receiver, overriding any
// conflicting keys so that the latest definition wins.
func (vv InputValues) Override(others ...InputValues) InputValues {
// FIXME: This should check to see if any of the values are maps and
// merge them if so, in order to preserve the behavior from prior to
// Terraform 0.12.
ret := make(InputValues)
for k, v := range vv {
ret[k] = v
for _, other := range others {
for k, v := range other {
ret[k] = v
return ret
// JustValues returns a map that just includes the values, discarding the
// source information.
func (vv InputValues) JustValues() map[string]cty.Value {
ret := make(map[string]cty.Value, len(vv))
for k, v := range vv {
ret[k] = v.Value
return ret
// DefaultVariableValues returns an InputValues map representing the default
// values specified for variables in the given configuration map.
func DefaultVariableValues(configs map[string]*configs.Variable) InputValues {
ret := make(InputValues)
for k, c := range configs {
if c.Default == cty.NilVal {
ret[k] = &InputValue{
Value: c.Default,
SourceType: ValueFromConfig,
SourceRange: tfdiags.SourceRangeFromHCL(c.DeclRange),
return ret