
72 lines
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# !! Breaking Changes !!
Thanks to [@raphendyr](, we can now add more than one page and change order of the sections. Also, there are tons of refactoring which made the theme more modular.
**If you are already using a previous version of the theme, you will get an ERROR** after this update. Don't worry. The solution is very easy. You just need to edit ```projects.yaml```, ```features.yaml``` and ```config.yaml``` since their structure has changed. After that, all should be fine.
# Features
* Simple, easy to use, single or multi page, A4-sized Resume generator.
* Print friendly, just use your browser or save as PDF.
* Write your resume in yaml. All content stored in data files.
* Add/Remove sections order change section orders by editing `config.yaml`.
* Section names are configurable in `config.yaml`. So, you can write in any language you want.
[Here is a blog post]( about this project.
# How To Use
## Download
1. Create a hugo project.
2. Go to themes folder.
3. Clone this theme.
cd themes
git clone
or add as a submodule
git submodule add themes/resume-a4
## Start
1. Copy `config.yaml` from `exampleSite` to the root directory of your hugo project.
2. Open `config.yaml` and add your relevant information.
3. Copy `data` folder from `exampleSite` to the root directory of your hugo project. All you need is that folder.
4. Create your resume in yaml files.
## Config File
* You can add/remove sections.
* Add multiple pages as many as you like. (_still, let's not forget the aim here. a resume should be precise. I don't think a recruiter will scroll down on it._)
* Order of the "features" are important in the config file.
### Custom CSS
Copy the ```\assets``` folder under the ```exampleSite``` directory if you like to make simple modifications.
### Avatar
Set avatar link in `config.yaml`, you may keep the image under `static` folder.
### Publications
You can change `style` of the `publications` feature in the config file. There are options for APA and IEEE standards. Report me on gitlab or send a merge requests if standarts are erroneous. I'm no expert on citation standarts.
# License
This project is open-sourced and licensed under the terms of the MIT license. I would be happy though, if you give attribution. <3
> _I'm open to suggestions and contributions._
# My Work Flow
1. Make changes.
2. Delete `resources` folder in main project.
2. Build your hugo site using the theme. `hugo server`
3. Copy `resources` folder from main project to theme folder `themes\resume-A4\resources`
4. `git commit` and `git push`.