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rabbitmq RabbitMQ: rabbitmq_permissions docs-rabbitmq-resource-permissions Creates and manages a user's permissions on a RabbitMQ server.


The rabbitmq_permissions resource creates and manages a user's set of permissions.

Example Usage

resource "rabbitmq_vhost" "test" {
    name = "test"

resource "rabbitmq_user" "test" {
    name = "mctest"
    password = "foobar"
    tags = ["administrator"]

resource "rabbitmq_permissions" "test" {
    user = "${rabbitmq_user.test.name}"
    vhost = "${rabbitmq_vhost.test.name}"
    permissions {
        configure = ".*"
        write = ".*"
        read = ".*"

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • user - (Required) The user to apply the permissions to.

  • vhost - (Required) The vhost to create the resource in.

  • permissions - (Required) The settings of the permissions. The structure is described below.

The permissions block supports:

  • configure - (Required) The "configure" ACL.
  • write - (Required) The "write" ACL.
  • read - (Required) The "read" ACL.

Attributes Reference

No further attributes are exported.


Permissions can be imported using the id which is composed of user@vhost. E.g.

terraform import rabbitmq_permissions.test user@vhost