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docs Import: Resource Importability docs-import-importability Each resource in Terraform must implement some basic logic to become importable. As a result, not all Terraform resources are currently importable.

Resource Importability

Each resource in Terraform must implement some basic logic to become importable. As a result, not all Terraform resources are currently importable. If you find a resource that you want to import and Terraform reports that it isn't importable, please report an issue.

Converting a resource to be importable is also relatively simple, so if you're interested in contributing that functionality, the Terraform team would be grateful.

To make a resource importable, please see the plugin documentation on writing a resource.

Currently Available to Import


  • aws_api_gateway_account
  • aws_api_gateway_key
  • aws_autoscaling_group
  • aws_cloudfront_distribution
  • aws_cloudfront_origin_access_identity
  • aws_cloudtrail
  • aws_cloudwatch_event_rule
  • aws_cloudwatch_log_group
  • aws_cloudwatch_metric_alarm
  • aws_customer_gateway
  • aws_db_event_subscription
  • aws_db_instance
  • aws_db_option_group
  • aws_db_parameter_group
  • aws_db_security_group
  • aws_db_subnet_group
  • aws_dynamodb_table
  • aws_ebs_volume
  • aws_ecr_repository
  • aws_efs_file_system
  • aws_efs_mount_target
  • aws_eip
  • aws_elastic_beanstalk_application
  • aws_elastic_beanstalk_environment
  • aws_elasticache_cluster
  • aws_elasticache_parameter_group
  • aws_elasticache_subnet_group
  • aws_elb
  • aws_flow_log
  • aws_glacier_vault
  • aws_iam_account_password_policy
  • aws_iam_group
  • aws_iam_saml_provider
  • aws_iam_user
  • aws_instance
  • aws_internet_gateway
  • aws_key_pair
  • aws_kms_key
  • aws_lambda_function
  • aws_launch_configuration
  • aws_nat_gateway
  • aws_network_acl
  • aws_network_interface
  • aws_opsworks_custom_layer
  • aws_opsworks_stack
  • aws_placement_group
  • aws_rds_cluster
  • aws_rds_cluster_instance
  • aws_rds_cluster_parameter_group
  • aws_redshift_cluster
  • aws_redshift_parameter_group
  • aws_redshift_security_group
  • aws_redshift_subnet_group
  • aws_route53_delegation_set
  • aws_route53_health_check
  • aws_route53_zone
  • aws_route_table
  • aws_security_group
  • aws_ses_receipt_filter
  • aws_ses_receipt_rule_set
  • aws_simpledb_domain
  • aws_sns_topic
  • aws_sns_topic_subscription
  • aws_sqs_queue
  • aws_subnet
  • aws_vpc
  • aws_vpc_dhcp_options
  • aws_vpc_endpoint
  • aws_vpc_peering_connection
  • aws_vpn_connection
  • aws_vpn_gateway

Azure (Resource Manager)

  • azurerm_availability_set
  • azurerm_dns_zone
  • azurerm_local_network_gateway
  • azurerm_network_security_group
  • azurerm_network_security_rule
  • azurerm_public_ip
  • azurerm_resource_group
  • azurerm_sql_firewall_rule
  • azurerm_storage_account
  • azurerm_virtual_network


  • digitalocean_domain
  • digitalocean_droplet
  • digitalocean_floating_ip
  • digitalocean_ssh_key
  • digitalocean_tag
  • digitalocean_volume


  • fastly_service_v1


  • google_compute_autoscaler
  • google_compute_firewall
  • google_compute_forwarding_rule
  • google_compute_http_health_check
  • google_compute_instance_group_manager
  • google_compute_instance_template
  • google_compute_target_pool


  • openstack_blockstorage_volume_v1
  • openstack_blockstorage_volume_v2
  • openstack_compute_floatingip_v2
  • openstack_compute_keypair_v2
  • openstack_compute_secgroup_v2
  • openstack_compute_servergroup_v2
  • openstack_fw_firewall_v1
  • openstack_fw_policy_v1
  • openstack_fw_rule_v1
  • openstack_lb_member_v1
  • openstack_lb_monitor_v1
  • openstack_lb_pool_v1
  • openstack_lb_vip_v1
  • openstack_networking_floatingip_v2
  • openstack_networking_network_v2
  • openstack_networking_port_v2
  • openstack_networking_secgroup_rule_v2
  • openstack_networking_secgroup_v2
  • openstack_networking_subnet_v2


  • triton_firewall_rule
  • triton_key
  • triton_machine
  • triton_vlan