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ns1 NS1: ns1_team docs-ns1-resource-team Provides a NS1 Team resource.


Provides a NS1 Team resource. This can be used to create, modify, and delete teams.

Example Usage

# Create a new NS1 Team
resource "ns1_team" "example" {
  name = "Example team"

  permissions = {
    dns_view_zones       = false
    account_manage_users = false

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • name - (Required) The free form name of the team.
  • permissions - (Optional) The allowed permissions of the team. Permissions documented below.

Permissions (permissions) support the following:

  • dns_view_zones - (Optional) Whether the team can view the accounts zones.
  • dns_manage_zones - (Optional) Whether the team can modify the accounts zones.
  • dns_zones_allow_by_default - (Optional) If true, enable the dns_zones_allow list, otherwise enable the dns_zones_deny list.
  • dns_zones_allow - (Optional) List of zones that the team may access.
  • dns_zones_deny - (Optional) List of zones that the team may not access.
  • data_push_to_datafeeds - (Optional) Whether the team can publish to data feeds.
  • data_manage_datasources - (Optional) Whether the team can modify data sources.
  • data_manage_datafeeds - (Optional) Whether the team can modify data feeds.
  • account_manage_users - (Optional) Whether the team can modify account users.
  • account_manage_payment_methods - (Optional) Whether the team can modify account payment methods.
  • account_manage_plan - (Optional) Whether the team can modify the account plan.
  • account_manage_teams - (Optional) Whether the team can modify other teams in the account.
  • account_manage_apikeys - (Optional) Whether the team can modify account apikeys.
  • account_manage_account_settings - (Optional) Whether the team can modify account settings.
  • account_view_activity_log - (Optional) Whether the team can view activity logs.
  • account_view_invoices - (Optional) Whether the team can view invoices.
  • monitoring_manage_lists - (Optional) Whether the team can modify notification lists.
  • monitoring_manage_jobs - (Optional) Whether the team can modify monitoring jobs.
  • monitoring_view_jobs - (Optional) Whether the team can view monitoring jobs.