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backend-types Backend Type: consul docs-backends-types-standard-consul Terraform can store state in Consul.


Kind: Standard (with locking)

Stores the state in the Consul KV store at a given path.

This backend supports state locking.

Example Configuration

terraform {
  backend "consul" {
    address = "demo.consul.io"
    path    = "full/path"

Note that for the access credentials we recommend using a partial configuration.

Example Referencing

data "terraform_remote_state" "foo" {
	backend = "consul"
	config {
		path = "full/path"

Configuration variables

The following configuration options / environment variables are supported:

  • path - (Required) Path in the Consul KV store
  • access_token / CONSUL_HTTP_TOKEN - (Required) Access token
  • address / CONSUL_HTTP_ADDR - (Optional) DNS name and port of your Consul endpoint specified in the format dnsname:port. Defaults to the local agent HTTP listener.
  • scheme - (Optional) Specifies what protocol to use when talking to the given address, either http or https. SSL support can also be triggered by setting then environment variable CONSUL_HTTP_SSL to true.
  • datacenter - (Optional) The datacenter to use. Defaults to that of the agent.
  • http_auth / CONSUL_HTTP_AUTH - (Optional) HTTP Basic Authentication credentials to be used when communicating with Consul, in the format of either user or user:pass.
  • gzip - (Optional) true to compress the state data using gzip, or false (the default) to leave it uncompressed.
  • lock - (Optional) false to disable locking. This defaults to true, but will require session permissions with Consul to perform locking.