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layout: "backend-types"
page_title: "Backend Type: manta"
sidebar_current: "docs-backends-types-standard-manta"
description: |-
Terraform can store state in manta.
# manta
**Kind: Standard (with no locking)**
Stores the state as an artifact in [Manta](https://www.joyent.com/manta).
## Example Configuration
terraform {
backend "manta" {
path = "random/path"
objectName = "terraform.tfstate"
Note that for the access credentials we recommend using a
[partial configuration](/docs/backends/config.html).
## Example Referencing
data "terraform_remote_state" "foo" {
backend = "manta"
config {
path = "random/path"
objectName = "terraform.tfstate"
## Configuration variables
The following configuration options are supported:
* `path` - (Required) The path relative to your private storage directory (`/$MANTA_USER/stor`) where the state file will be stored
* `objectName` - (Optional) The name of the state file (defaults to `terraform.tfstate`)
The following [Manta environment variables](https://apidocs.joyent.com/manta/#setting-up-your-environment) are supported:
* `MANTA_URL` - (Required) The API endpoint
* `MANTA_USER` - (Required) The Manta user
* `MANTA_KEY_ID` - (Required) The MD5 fingerprint of your SSH key
* `MANTA_KEY_MATERIAL` - (Required) The path to the private key for accessing Manta (must align with the `MANTA_KEY_ID`). This key must *not* be protected by passphrase.