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newrelic Provider: New Relic docs-newrelic-index New Relic offers a performance management solution enabling developers to diagnose and fix application performance problems in real time.

New Relic Provider

New Relic offers a performance management solution enabling developers to diagnose and fix application performance problems in real time.

Use the navigation to the left to read about the available resources.

Example Usage

# Configure the New Relic provider
provider "newrelic" {
    api_key = "${var.newrelic_api_key}"

# Create an alert policy
resource "newrelic_alert_policy" "alert" {
    name = "Alert"

# Add a condition
resource "newrelic_alert_condition" "foo" {
  policy_id = "${newrelic_alert_policy.alert.id}"

  name        = "foo"
  type        = "apm_app_metric"
  entities    = ["12345"] # You can look this up in New Relic
  metric      = "apdex"
  runbook_url = "https://docs.example.com/my-runbook"

  term {
    duration      = 5
    operator      = "below"
    priority      = "critical"
    threshold     = "0.75"
    time_function = "all"

# Add a notification channel
resource "newrelic_alert_channel" "email" {
  name = "email"
	type = "email"
	configuration = {
		recipients = "paul@example.com"
		include_json_attachment = "1"

# Link the channel to the policy
resource "newrelic_alert_policy_channel" "alert_email" {
  policy_id  = "${newrelic_alert_policy.alert.id}"
  channel_id = "${newrelic_alert_channel.email.id}"

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • api_key - (Required) Your New Relic API key.