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consul Consul: consul_keys docs-consul-data-source-keys Reads values from the Consul key/value store.


consul_keys reads values from the Consul key/value store. This is a powerful way dynamically set values in templates.

Example Usage

data "consul_keys" "app" {
    datacenter = "nyc1"
    token = "abcd"

    # Read the launch AMI from Consul
    key {
        name = "ami"
        path = "service/app/launch_ami"
        default = "ami-1234"

# Start our instance with the dynamic ami value
resource "aws_instance" "app" {
    ami = "${data.consul_keys.app.var.ami}"

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • datacenter - (Optional) The datacenter to use. This overrides the datacenter in the provider setup and the agent's default datacenter.

  • token - (Optional) The ACL token to use. This overrides the token that the agent provides by default.

  • key - (Required) Specifies a key in Consul to be read or written. Supported values documented below.

The key block supports the following:

  • name - (Required) This is the name of the key. This value of the key is exposed as var.<name>. This is not the path of the key in Consul.

  • path - (Required) This is the path in Consul that should be read or written to.

  • default - (Optional) This is the default value to set for var.<name> if the key does not exist in Consul. Defaults to the empty string.

Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported:

  • datacenter - The datacenter the keys are being read from to.
  • var.<name> - For each name given, the corresponding attribute has the value of the key.