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heroku Heroku: heroku_cert docs-heroku-resource-cert Provides a Heroku SSL certificate resource. It allows to set a given certificate for a Heroku app.


Provides a Heroku SSL certificate resource. It allows to set a given certificate for a Heroku app.

Example Usage

# Create a new Heroku app
resource "heroku_app" "default" {
  name = "test-app"

# Add-on SSL to application
resource "heroku_addon" "ssl" {
  app  = "${heroku_app.default.name}"
  plan = "ssl"

# Establish certificate for a given application
resource "heroku_cert" "ssl_certificate" {
  app               = "${heroku_app.default.name}"
  certificate_chain = "${file("server.crt")}"
  private_key       = "${file("server.key")}"
  depends_on        = "heroku_addon.ssl"

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • app - (Required) The Heroku app to add to.
  • certificate_chain - (Required) The certificate chain to add
  • private_key - (Required) The private key for a given certificate chain

Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported:

  • id - The ID of the add-on
  • cname - The CNAME for the SSL endpoint
  • name - The name of the SSL certificate