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newrelic New Relic: newrelic_alert_policy_channel docs-newrelic-resource-alert-policy-channel Map alert policies to alert channels in New Relic.


Example Usage

resource "newrelic_alert_policy" "foo" {
  name = "foo"

resource "newrelic_alert_channel" "foo" {
  name = "foo"
  type = "email"

  configuration = {
    recipients              = "foo@example.com"
    include_json_attachment = "1"

resource "newrelic_alert_policy_channel" "foo" {
  policy_id  = "${newrelic_alert_policy.foo.id}"
  channel_id = "${newrelic_alert_channel.foo.id}"

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • policy_id - (Required) The ID of the policy.
  • channel_id - (Required) The ID of the channel.