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openstack OpenStack: openstack_networking_network_v2 docs-openstack-datasource-networking-network-v2 Get information on an OpenStack Network.


Use this data source to get the ID of an available OpenStack network.

Example Usage

data "openstack_networking_network_v2" "network" {
  name = "tf_test_network"

Argument Reference

  • region - (Required) The region in which to obtain the V2 Neutron client. A Neutron client is needed to retrieve networks ids. If omitted, the OS_REGION_NAME environment variable is used.

  • network_id - (Optional) The ID of the network.

  • name - (Optional) The name of the network.

  • matching_subnet_cidr - (Optional) The CIDR of a subnet within the network.

  • tenant_id - (Optional) The owner of the network.

Attributes Reference

id is set to the ID of the found network. In addition, the following attributes are exported:

  • admin_state_up - (Optional) The administrative state of the network.
  • name - See Argument Reference above.
  • region - See Argument Reference above.
  • shared - (Optional) Specifies whether the network resource can be accessed by any tenant or not.