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backend-types Backend Type: pg docs-backends-types-standard-pg Terraform can store state remotely in a Postgres database with locking.


Kind: Standard (with locking)

Stores the state in a Postgres database version 9.5 or newer.

This backend supports state locking.

Example Configuration

terraform {
  backend "pg" {
    conn_str = "postgres://localhost/terraform_backend"

Before initializing the backend with terraform init, the database must already exist.

We recommend using a partial configuration for the conn_str variable, because it typically contains access credentials that should not be committed to source control.

Example Referencing

To make use of the pg remote state we can use the terraform_remote_state data source.

data "terraform_remote_state" "network" {
  backend = "pg"
  config {
    conn_str = "postgres://localhost/terraform_backend"

Configuration Variables

The following configuration options or environment variables are supported:

  • conn_str - (Required) Postgres connection string; a postgres:// URL
  • lock - Use locks to synchronize state access, default true
  • schema_name - Name of the automatically-managed Postgres schema to store locks & state, default terraform_remote_backend.

Technical Design

Postgres version 9.5 or newer is required to support the "ON CONFLICT" upsert syntax and jsonb data type.

This backend creates two tables, states and locks, in the automatically-managed Postgres schema configured by the schema_name variable.

Both tables are keyed by the workspace name. If workspaces are not in use, the name default is used.

The states table contains:

  • the workspace name key as text with a unique index
  • the Terraform state data JSON as text.

The locks table contains:

  • the workspace name key as text with a unique index
  • the lock's info JSON as jsonb.