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layout: "circonus"
page_title: "Circonus: circonus_metric_cluster"
sidebar_current: "docs-circonus-resource-circonus_metric_cluster"
description: |-
Manages a Circonus Metric Cluster.
# circonus\_metric\_cluster
The ``circonus_metric_cluster`` resource creates and manages a
[Circonus Metric Cluster](https://login.circonus.com/user/docs/Data/View/MetricClusters).
## Usage
resource "circonus_metric_cluster" "nomad-job-memory-rss" {
name = "My Job's Resident Memory"
description = <<-EOF
An aggregation of all resident memory metric streams across allocations in a Nomad job.
query {
definition = "*`nomad-jobname`memory`rss"
type = "average"
tags = ["source:nomad","resource:memory"]
## Argument Reference
* `description` - (Optional) A long-form description of the metric cluster.
* `name` - (Required) The name of the metric cluster. This name must be unique
across all metric clusters in a given Circonus Account.
* `query` - (Required) One or more `query` attributes must be present. Each
`query` must contain both a `definition` and a `type`. See below for details
on supported attributes.
* `tags` - (Optional) A list of tags attached to the metric cluster.
## Supported Metric Cluster `query` Attributes
* `definition` - (Required) The definition of a metric cluster [query](https://login.circonus.com/resources/api/calls/metric_cluster).
* `type` - (Required) The query type to execute per metric cluster. Valid query
types are: `average`, `count`, `counter`, `counter2`, `counter2_stddev`,
`counter_stddev`, `derive`, `derive2`, `derive2_stddev`, `derive_stddev`,
`histogram`, `stddev`, `text`.
## Out parameters
* `id` - ID of the Metric Cluster.
## Import Example
`circonus_metric_cluster` supports importing resources. Supposing the following
provider "circonus" {
alias = "b8fec159-f9e5-4fe6-ad2c-dc1ec6751586"
resource "circonus_metric_cluster" "mymetriccluster" {
name = "Metric Cluster for a particular metric in a job"
query {
definition = "*`nomad-jobname`memory`rss"
type = "average"
It is possible to import a `circonus_metric_cluster` resource with the following
$ terraform import circonus_metric_cluster.mymetriccluster ID
Where `ID` is the `_cid` or Circonus ID of the Metric Cluster
(e.g. `/metric_cluster/12345`) and `circonus_metric_cluster.mymetriccluster` is the
name of the resource whose state will be populated as a result of the command.