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opc Oracle: opc_compute_sec_rule docs-opc-resource-sec-rule Creates and manages a sec rule in an OPC identity domain.


The opc_compute_sec_rule resource creates and manages a sec rule in an OPC identity domain, which joinstogether a source security list (or security IP list), a destination security list (or security IP list), and a security application.

Example Usage

resource "opc_compute_sec_rule" "test_rule" {
	name = "test"
	source_list = "seclist:${opc_compute_security_list.sec-list1.name}"
	destination_list = "seciplist:${opc_compute_security_ip_list.sec-ip-list1.name}"
	action = "permit"
	application = "${opc_compute_security_application.spring-boot.name}"

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • name - (Required) The unique (within the identity domain) name of the security rule.

  • description - (Optional) A description for this security rule.

  • source_list - (Required) The source security list (prefixed with seclist:), or security IP list (prefixed with seciplist:).

  • destination_list - (Required) The destination security list (prefixed with seclist:), or security IP list (prefixed with seciplist:).

  • application - (Required) The name of the application to which the rule applies.

  • action - (Required) Whether to permit, refuse or deny packets to which this rule applies. This will ordinarily be permit.

  • disabled - (Optional) Whether to disable this security rule. This is useful if you want to temporarily disable a rule without removing it outright from your Terraform resource definition. Defaults to false.

In addition to the above, the following values are exported:

  • uri - The Uniform Resource Identifier of the sec rule.


Sec Rule's can be imported using the resource name, e.g.

terraform import opc_compute_sec_rule.rule1 example