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ns1 NS1: ns1_monitoringjob docs-ns1-resource-monitoringjob Provides a NS1 Monitoring Job resource.


Provides a NS1 Monitoring Job resource. This can be used to create, modify, and delete monitoring jobs.

Example Usage

resource "ns1_monitoringjob" "uswest_monitor" {
  name          = "uswest"
  active        = true
  regions       = ["sjc", "sin", "lga"]
  job_type      = "tcp"
  frequency     = 60
  rapid_recheck = true
  policy        = "quorum"

  config = {
    send = "HEAD / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n"
    port = 80
    host = "example-elb-uswest.aws.amazon.com"

  rules = {
    value      = "200 OK"
    comparison = "contains"
    key        = "output"

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • name - (Required) The free-form display name for the monitoring job.
  • job_type - (Required) The type of monitoring job to be run.
  • active - (Required) Indicates if the job is active or temporaril.y disabled.
  • regions - (Required) The list of region codes in which to run the monitoring job.
  • frequency - (Required) The frequency, in seconds, at which to run the monitoring job in each region.
  • rapid_recheck - (Required) If true, on any apparent state change, the job is quickly re-run after one second to confirm the state change before notification.
  • policy - (Required) The policy for determining the monitor's global status based on the status of the job in all regions.
  • config - (Required) A configuration dictionary with keys and values depending on the jobs' type.
  • notify_delay - (Optional) The time in seconds after a failure to wait before sending a notification.
  • notify_repeat - (Optional) The time in seconds between repeat notifications of a failed job.
  • notify_failback - (Optional) If true, a notification is sent when a job returns to an "up" state.
  • notify_regional - (Optional) If true, notifications are sent for any regional failure (and failback if desired), in addition to global state notifications.
  • notify_list - (Optional) The id of the notification list to send notifications to.
  • notes - (Optional) Freeform notes to be included in any notifications about this job.
  • rules - (Optional) A list of rules for determining failure conditions. Job Rules are documented below.

Monitoring Job Rules (rules) support the following:

  • key - (Required) The output key.
  • comparison - (Required) The comparison to perform on the the output.
  • value - (Required) The value to compare to.