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scaleway Scaleway: volume docs-scaleway-resource-volume Manages Scaleway Volumes.


Provides volumes. This allows volumes to be created, updated and deleted. For additional details please refer to API documentation.

Example Usage

resource "scaleway_server" "test" {
  name    = "test"
  image   = "aecaed73-51a5-4439-a127-6d8229847145"
  type    = "C2S"
  volumes = ["${scaleway_volume.test.id}"]

resource "scaleway_volume" "test" {
  name       = "test"
  size_in_gb = 20
  type       = "l_ssd"

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • name - (Required) name of volume
  • size_in_gb - (Required) size of the volume in GB
  • type - (Required) type of volume

Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported:

  • id - id of the new resource


Instances can be imported using the id, e.g.

$ terraform import scaleway_volume.test 5faef9cd-ea9b-4a63-9171-9e26bec03dbc