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oracleopc Oracle: opc_compute_security_application docs-oracleopc-resource-security-application Creates and manages a security application in an OPC identity domain.


The opc_compute_security_application resource creates and manages a security application in an OPC identity domain.

Example Usage

resource "opc_compute_security_application" "tomcat" {
	name = "tomcat"
	protocol = "tcp"
	dport = "8080"

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • name - (Required) The unique (within the identity domain) name of the application

  • protocol - (Required) The protocol to enable for this application. Must be either one of tcp, udp, icmp, igmp, ipip, rdp, esp, ah, gre, icmpv6, ospf, pim, sctp, mplsip or all, or the corresponding integer in the range 0-254 from the list of assigned protocol numbers

  • dport - (Required) The port, or range of ports, to enable for this application, e.g 8080, 6000-7000.

  • icmptype - (Optional) The ICMP type to enable for this application, if the protocol is icmp. Must be one of echo, reply, ttl, traceroute, unreachable.

  • icmpcode - (Optional) The ICMP code to enable for this application, if the protocol is icmp. Must be one of network, host, protocol, port, df, admin.