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layout: "functions"
page_title: "templatefile - Functions - Configuration Language"
sidebar_current: "docs-funcs-file-templatefile"
description: |-
The templatefile function reads the file at the given path and renders its
content as a template.
# `templatefile` Function
-> **Note:** This page is about Terraform 0.12 and later. For Terraform 0.11 and
earlier, see
[0.11 Configuration Language: Interpolation Syntax](../../configuration-0-11/interpolation.html).
`templatefile` reads the file at the given path and renders its content
as a template using a supplied set of template variables.
templatefile(path, vars)
The template syntax is the same as for
[string templates](../expressions.html#string-templates) in the main Terraform
language, including interpolation sequences delimited with `${` ... `}`.
This function just allows longer template sequences to be factored out
into a separate file for readability.
The "vars" argument must be a map. Within the template file, each of the keys
in the map is available as a variable for interpolation. The template may
also use any other function available in the Terraform language, except that
recursive calls to `templatefile` are not permitted. Variable names must
each start with a letter, followed by zero or more letters, digits, or
Strings in the Terraform language are sequences of Unicode characters, so
this function will interpret the file contents as UTF-8 encoded text and
return the resulting Unicode characters. If the file contains invalid UTF-8
sequences then this function will produce an error.
This function can be used only with files that already exist on disk at the
beginning of a Terraform run. Functions do not participate in the dependency
graph, so this function cannot be used with files that are generated
dynamically during a Terraform operation. We do not recommend using dynamic
templates in Terraform configurations, but in rare situations where this is
necessary you can use
[the `template_file` data source](/docs/providers/template/d/file.html)
to render templates while respecting resource dependencies.
## Examples
Given a template file `backends.tmpl` with the following content:
%{ for addr in ip_addrs ~}
backend ${addr}:${port}
%{ endfor ~}
The `templatefile` function renders the template:
> templatefile("${path.module}/backends.tmpl", { port = 8080, ip_addrs = ["", ""] })
### Generating JSON or YAML from a template
If the string you want to generate will be in JSON or YAML syntax, it's
often tricky and tedious to write a template that will generate valid JSON or
YAML that will be interpreted correctly when using lots of individual
interpolation sequences and directives.
Instead, you can write a template that consists only of a single interpolated
call to either [`jsonencode`](./jsonencode.html) or
[`yamlencode`](./yamlencode.html), specifying the value to encode using
[normal Terraform expression syntax](/docs/configuration/expressions.html)
as in the following examples:
"backends": [for addr in ip_addrs : "${addr}:${port}"],
"backends": [for addr in ip_addrs : "${addr}:${port}"],
Given the same input as the `backends.tmpl` example in the previous section,
this will produce a valid JSON or YAML representation of the given data
structure, without the need to manually handle escaping or delimiters.
In the latest examples above, the repetition based on elements of `ip_addrs` is
achieved by using a
[`for` expression](/docs/configuration/expressions.html#for-expressions)
rather than by using
[template directives](/docs/configuration/expressions.html#directives).
If the resulting template is small, you can choose instead to write
`jsonencode` or `yamlencode` calls inline in your main configuration files, and
avoid creating separate template files at all:
locals {
backend_config_json = jsonencode({
"backends": [for addr in ip_addrs : "${addr}:${port}"],
For more information, see the main documentation for
[`jsonencode`](./jsonencode.html) and [`yamlencode`](./yamlencode.html).
## Related Functions
* [`file`](./file.html) reads a file from disk and returns its literal contents
without any template interpretation.